Quote Originally Posted by krae
jeez why not? i mean ... are you people going to hire an INFp programmer or ENTj wine taster and decorator? they might have the education and the motivation but when they actually start to work it all shows =) i've seen it a couple of times.
I prefer to first evaluate their skills in programming or wine tasting, and then perhaps think about their type.

Especially since it should be very obvious to everyone here that typing someone is very tricky, and certainly not best achieved via simple tests.

So what if the "INFp progammer" wasn't an INFp in the first place?

Moreover, I'm pretty sure my sister-in-law is ISFp, and she's a competent programmer. Not nearly as good as my ENTp brother, but should her type be a reason not to hire her?

I really hope this sort of totalitarian thinking does not get very far. HR departments are full of shit enough as it is.