In any drastic change to human organization, the xxxx Providenciary will play a lead role. I know from experience that whenever a type tries to advance a cause by their lonesome in a community (that is, without really thinking the consequences through--and no type ever can at every level), then their quasi-identical of the same subtype will rise up in opposition. I recently had this happen in a forum that focuses on RPG design. Every time I tried to propose a new idea, one INTP in particular (there were others, too; but it's a long story) ended up doing his best to discredit its validity as a waste of time and simply the wrong direction. I disagreed with him, but he resorted to personal attacks, (alongside several others; it's the culture of the forum apparently) and so I ended up in a perpetual tussle of trying to effect changes in thought that I thought would be beneficial for everyone, and laboring to defend myself against the comparatively conservative atmosphere there. One member of this very forum came to my defense on several fronts... and that caused a total ruckus. I'm sure I had allies, but they remained rather silent....

Two individuals in particular seemed to me the greatest threats to my agenda there. (the agenda itself isn't really related to type or socionics) One was an individual who prided himself on attacking me in very uncomfortable psychological ways. He did this by amassing huge amounts of facts... and something inherently unconscious. Suffice to say, he seemed more threatening than he was. It was difficult to put my finger on it though until I realized he was an ISTx. True to form, he always ended up looking better than me in any disagreement we had. (that was my perception, at least)

The other didn't speak up until I began sharing my thoughts about an impending crisis in the personal computer industry. This was the problem of lithographic technology reaching its limit in the next 14 years, according to Intel. Without this technology, smaller processors will not be possible. (there is also the issue of lightspeed c limiting processor speeds to 100ghz, but still....) I made a pretty big deal about it, especially because of the failure of chip cycles rates to appreciably improve in the past two years. (which seemed to me the advent of the crisis) This got the attention of one member who usually posted only sparingly. He admonished me for doubting the triumph of humanity over all odds. (of course I wasn't doubting humanity; I was doubting its methods!) The way he did it made me think myself small and insignificant, even evil in a way. I don't think anyone had ever made me feel that way before. Usually such attempts just arouse anger and defiance, but not this time. The way he so effectively made me doubt myself, leaves me no doubt that he had attacked me in a deeply unconscious way.

I think there are many individuals with these powers over everyone save each other. Jesus may have been talking about these people when he spoke of Satan; my friend Gavin once gave me a perspective on the lives of these people, who "question where they end and where the world begins" and make this questioning a dominant part of their personality. He said he would be "very cautious" around such a person. I believe these people to be Providenciaries.

I've been looking through characters in literature to determine their types, very rigidly contrasting the characters and their speaking styles with each other. There are some who seem to be punished for not responding to other people's warnings for the community; almost as though they get deluded with the responsibility to save the world. Not many, but some.

It would seem to me that a person who is capable of assaulting another's unconscious so easily is equally vulnerable to attack from those they might assault. Naturally, both sides would try to stay on good terms with each other when they could, mutually believing in one another's potential, to avoid wounding each other's psyches accidentally. The two sides would effectively support one another in the human endevor, without threatening each other. (the human endevor of course being, promulgation of the species)

Considering that there are limited resources available for large missions of many people to work towards this single, mutual goal of survival for themselves and their progeny, it seems to me likely that these Providential personalities take themselves very seriously. If you were to determine that things are going to be disasterous for everyone the way there are going, then the providentiary who had felt tasked with the mission you are questioning would clearly feel slighted and even hurt. It is only natural that they would respond with a psychological affront of their own.

I think it doubtful that socionics or any other personality system will become accepted dogma in our society for hiring purposes until it is made clear in terms a providentiary can understand that humanity will benefit from it more than previous practices have managed. This is why I think it's important not to use a vauge system limited to only 16 types for something as precise as human resources management. The powers that be will accept nothing less.