It appears, that I made a mistake when I posted that certain types were better than others. I was wrong, the truth is Jung was actually discussing the behaviour, but he was not discussing, which type was better or worse. They are all equal in my opinion and I now realize that Jung sees it the same way.
Behaviour Styles:
Intuitive Judgers - ENTJ, INFJ, ENFJ, INTJ - Proper level of behaviour - (Lower animal tendencies)
Sensory Judgers - ESTJ, ISTJ, ISFJ, ESFJ - Robot-like behaviour (Ultra Proper)
Intuitive Perceivers - INFP, ENFP, INTP, ENTP - Average proper level of behaviour (Moderate animal tendencies)
Sensory Perceivers - ISTP, ISFP, ESFP, ESTP - Improper level of behaviour (High animal tendencies)
*Note: Of course you could find SPs that behave very proper and NJs that are improper*
ENFp: Half Monkey - Half Saint
ENFj: Holy Robotic Saint
INFj: Holy CPU Saint
ESFj: Emotional Robot
ISFj: Emotional Computer
ESTj: Skilled Robot
ISTj: Skilled Computer
ENTj: Biological Super Robot
INTj: Biological Super Computer
ESTp: Logical Lion
ESFp: Ethical Monkey
INFp: Half Cat - Half Saint
ISFp: Ethical Cat
ISTp: Logical Fox
INTp: Half Fox - Half Super Computer
ENTp: Half Lion - Half Super Robot
I'd like to hear your opinions on the way you think the behaviour style really is. I'd also like to hear what you think of the symbols I created.