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Thread: Behaviour and Symbols

  1. #1
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    Default Behaviour and Symbols

    It appears, that I made a mistake when I posted that certain types were better than others. I was wrong, the truth is Jung was actually discussing the behaviour, but he was not discussing, which type was better or worse. They are all equal in my opinion and I now realize that Jung sees it the same way.

    Behaviour Styles:

    Intuitive Judgers - ENTJ, INFJ, ENFJ, INTJ - Proper level of behaviour - (Lower animal tendencies)

    Sensory Judgers - ESTJ, ISTJ, ISFJ, ESFJ - Robot-like behaviour (Ultra Proper)
    Intuitive Perceivers - INFP, ENFP, INTP, ENTP - Average proper level of behaviour (Moderate animal tendencies)

    Sensory Perceivers - ISTP, ISFP, ESFP, ESTP - Improper level of behaviour (High animal tendencies)

    *Note: Of course you could find SPs that behave very proper and NJs that are improper*


    ENFp: Half Monkey - Half Saint
    ENFj: Holy Robotic Saint
    INFj: Holy CPU Saint
    ESFj: Emotional Robot
    ISFj: Emotional Computer
    ESTj: Skilled Robot
    ISTj: Skilled Computer
    ENTj: Biological Super Robot
    INTj: Biological Super Computer
    ESTp: Logical Lion
    ESFp: Ethical Monkey
    INFp: Half Cat - Half Saint
    ISFp: Ethical Cat
    ISTp: Logical Fox
    INTp: Half Fox - Half Super Computer
    ENTp: Half Lion - Half Super Robot

    I'd like to hear your opinions on the way you think the behaviour style really is. I'd also like to hear what you think of the symbols I created.
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  2. #2
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    Noone agrees or has any comments on my theory about behaviour and the symbols I set up for everyone?
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

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  3. #3
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Lol the names are funny and maybe accurate
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  4. #4


    I cant really blame Y&C for coming up with these and it seems to be the stereotypes reinforced which is why I once jokingly said , ""

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    My type name is the best. Nothing can beat "Holy CPU Saint" .
    Beware! Nerd genes on the prowl.

    INFj - The Holy CPU Saint
    Dishonorary INFp

    (Very good place for emoticons. Right-click on the one you want and select "properties" for direct link)

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darklord
    My type name is the best. Nothing can beat "Holy CPU Saint" .
    That's because it sounds like something Robin would say to Batman in the old tv show with Adam West.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Thanks everyone, I'm happy to know you guys appreciate my symbols.

    Everyone could include their own beliefs as well of their own symbols for each type if they wish. Also, I'd like to know what you guys think of my model of behaviour for the 16 types.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

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    It's interesting.
    I've often thought of humanity as a species in constant flux between the two poles of animal and machine. The optimum spot would then have to be right in the middle.
    Beware! Nerd genes on the prowl.

    INFj - The Holy CPU Saint
    Dishonorary INFp

    (Very good place for emoticons. Right-click on the one you want and select "properties" for direct link)

  9. #9

    Default Re: Behaviour and Symbols

    Quote Originally Posted by Young_and_Confused
    INFp: Half Cat - Half Saint
    This is hilarious because IRL I frequently pretend to be a cat... much to the amusement of onlookers. When I can be bothered I even turn around 3 times before sitting down.

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    I agree.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darklord
    It's interesting.
    I've often thought of humanity as a species in constant flux between the two poles of animal and machine. The optimum spot would then have to be right in the middle.
    Yeah I agree, the key is to control the animal weaknesses and robot-like weakness and improve the strenghts of those attributes.

    That means we got to control our impulses and avoid routine. We also have to become more responsible and flexible at the same time.
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  12. #12
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Default Re: Behaviour and Symbols

    Quote Originally Posted by Young_and_Confused
    ENFp: Half Monkey - Half Saint
    Saint Valentine, of course:

    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  13. #13
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    LOl this thread is hilarious.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Behaviour and Symbols

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by Darklord
    My type name is the best. Nothing can beat "Holy CPU Saint" .
    That's because it sounds like something Robin would say to Batman in the old tv show with Adam West.
    Hahaha. This is hilarious That was a funny series btw.

    And to Y&C you are making progress Your post is a big leap forward.

    These descriptions are not bad at all:
    ESTp: Logical Lion
    ISTp: Logical Fox
    of course I associate them a bit differently than you probably (in a more concrete way) so they are not perfect. But anyways as far as my childhood sports experiences go I can remember ESTps as brave lions who immediately challenged the opponent face to face. ISTps were clearly more creative and sneaky and only went for direct confrontation when they didn't see another path to victory. This would be more fox like behavior then.

    What is interesting is the association of SPs and animals in general. If you think animalistic behavior is in the other end and robotic is in another end then I'm not sure which end is more me. I do have some primitive and "animalistic" traits but in general I find myself more robotic than most people I meet. I have been called "boring" in the chat many times because I tend to get annoyed about "animalistic" behavior there How do you define the "animalistic" behavior or "animal tendencies".

    If I compare myself to ENTjs for example in the surface it seems they are more robotic. Then again they often engage in behavior I could never do and they claim I'm "boring" or "robotic" for not playing along.

    In the context of the chat..the only ESFp and the ISFps in the chat seem the least "animalistic" there and seem very deep and even rational. I find many NTs there often go totally out of control in a disturbing way NTs have great deal of processing power and they use fancy concepts but other than that they often act like animals in my opinion They are rarely spiritual, they talk about sex alot in a very primitive/mechanical way, if you rip of the intellectual surface then they seem quite shallow and things like that. Or is that "robotic" behavior instead of "animalistic"? I'm not sure what is meant by "animal tendencies", "human tendencies", "robotic tendencies" etc.

  15. #15
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Default Re: Behaviour and Symbols

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    NTs have great deal of processing power and they use fancy concepts but other than that they often act like animals in my opinion They are rarely spiritual, they talk about sex alot in a very primitive/mechanical way, if you rip of the intellectual surface then they seem quite shallow and things like that.
    I think you haven't rip of the layer, that's why things appear to you that way.
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    Default Re: Behaviour and Symbols

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    NTs have great deal of processing power and they use fancy concepts but other than that they often act like animals in my opinion They are rarely spiritual, they talk about sex alot in a very primitive/mechanical way, if you rip of the intellectual surface then they seem quite shallow and things like that.
    I think you haven't rip of the layer, that's why things appear to you that way.
    FDG...It wasn't that serious I was more like attempting to provoke some passionate discussion and maybe some "clever" SP bashing which would reveal something . This thread seems not to take much fire...

    I still don't quite understand what is meant by "animalistic", "robotic", etc. I would like to know why am I always considered to have more "animal tendencies" than "robotic tendencies" in these analyses. Is it because I sometimes make funny faces? Is it because I sometimes write/talk without thinking too much? Or because I rely senses more than intuition? Is it because I'm sometimes more interested in sensual pleasures than intellectual pursuits? Yesterday Ashton kept telling me how boring I was for not playing along so that made me think I must be very robotic or something I mean animals are not very boring or are they? Maybe I just don't represent the typical ISTp stereotype very well...

  17. #17
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Default Re: Behaviour and Symbols

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    NTs have great deal of processing power and they use fancy concepts but other than that they often act like animals in my opinion They are rarely spiritual, they talk about sex alot in a very primitive/mechanical way, if you rip of the intellectual surface then they seem quite shallow and things like that.
    I think you haven't rip of the layer, that's why things appear to you that way.
    FDG...It wasn't that serious I was more like attempting to provoke some passionate discussion and maybe some "clever" SP bashing which would reveal something . This thread seems not to take much fire...

    I still don't quite understand what is meant by "animalistic", "robotic", etc. I would like to know why am I always considered to have more "animal tendencies" than "robotic tendencies" in these analyses. Is it because I sometimes make funny faces? Is it because I sometimes write/talk without thinking too much? Or because I rely senses more than intuition? Is it because I'm sometimes more interested in sensual pleasures than intellectual pursuits? Yesterday Ashton kept telling me how boring I was for not playing along so that made me think I must be very robotic or something I mean animals are not very boring or are they? Maybe I just don't represent the typical ISTp stereotype very well...
    You might be ISTj!

    Besides, I think that the animalistic label applies much more to - first types. I am actually much rawer in speech than my ISTp friend, as you say.

    Anyway, probably young and confused wanted to classify as animalistic tendencies an instantaneous stimuli-reaction mechanism, whitout an internal decision-making rational process.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Kraus
    Haha, I find that funny, and also stereotypically, people definately believe these things.

    I love being a logical lion! That sounds the hottest out of all your nicknames, don't you all agree?
    Actually... yes.
    "... the present is too much for the senses, too crowding, too confusing, too present to imagine" - RF

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    i wouldn't say i'm, "animalistic", either. libido and such is tied to extraversion. and istps generally think before they speak/act, anyways.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    and istps generally think before they speak/act, anyways.
    So do foxes, in their way Perhaps it depends on the animal.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Behaviour and Symbols

    Quote Originally Posted by Young_and_Confused
    ESTp: Logical Lion
    ESFp: Ethical Monkey
    Why ESTp is a lion and ESFp is a monkey? If SeTi is a logical lion then SeFi would be an ethical lion I guess? Hmm...same goes with ISTp and ISFp they could be logical fox and ethical fox. I generally like the symbols but I don't quite grasp the logic here. Could you explain a bit how you ended up with these symbols?

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    i wouldn't say i'm, "animalistic", either. libido and such is tied to extraversion. and istps generally think before they speak/act, anyways.
    Rocky, that is what the MBTI career counselor lady told me when she tested me because she was suprised that I scored I and said that she had guessed me as I when she met me because I, "thought before I spoke." How true is that I wonder?

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Behaviour and Symbols

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Quote Originally Posted by Young_and_Confused
    ESTp: Logical Lion
    ESFp: Ethical Monkey
    Why ESTp is a lion and ESFp is a monkey? If SeTi is a logical lion then SeFi would be an ethical lion I guess? Hmm...same goes with ISTp and ISFp they could be logical fox and ethical fox. I generally like the symbols but I don't quite grasp the logic here. Could you explain a bit how you ended up with these symbols?
    A lot of it comes to just random that came up at at the moment. ESTPs are lions because they are always nomadic and doing so much. As for ESFPs being monkeys, I just tried to connect types together. That is why ENFp is half monkey and half saint, since a monkey to is an EXFP trait. I basically connected it to my monkey like behaviour. Also, my ESFP best friend actually does a very accurate monkey screech.

    As for the ISTp being a fox, I just got that from Rockys avatar and I thought it fit it well. ISFp is a cat not a fox and I got ISFp from a connection through INFps. I find that INFps can be randomly bitchy like a cat, though they are mostly calm and nice to hang around with, although I never met one.

    Hahaha. This is hilarious That was a funny series btw.

    And to Y&C you are making progress Your post is a big leap forward.

    These descriptions are not bad at all:
    ESTp: Logical Lion
    ISTp: Logical Fox
    of course I associate them a bit differently than you probably (in a more concrete way) so they are not perfect. But anyways as far as my childhood sports experiences go I can remember ESTps as brave lions who immediately challenged the opponent face to face. ISTps were clearly more creative and sneaky and only went for direct confrontation when they didn't see another path to victory. This would be more fox like behavior then.

    What is interesting is the association of SPs and animals in general. If you think animalistic behavior is in the other end and robotic is in another end then I'm not sure which end is more me. I do have some primitive and "animalistic" traits but in general I find myself more robotic than most people I meet. I have been called "boring" in the chat many times because I tend to get annoyed about "animalistic" behavior there How do you define the "animalistic" behavior or "animal tendencies".

    If I compare myself to ENTjs for example in the surface it seems they are more robotic. Then again they often engage in behavior I could never do and they claim I'm "boring" or "robotic" for not playing along.

    In the context of the chat..the only ESFp and the ISFps in the chat seem the least "animalistic" there and seem very deep and even rational. I find many NTs there often go totally out of control in a disturbing way NTs have great deal of processing power and they use fancy concepts but other than that they often act like animals in my opinion They are rarely spiritual, they talk about sex alot in a very primitive/mechanical way, if you rip of the intellectual surface then they seem quite shallow and things like that. Or is that "robotic" behavior instead of "animalistic"? I'm not sure what is meant by "animal tendencies", "human tendencies".

    Well by appearance most people think that SPs seems a lot more mature and responsible then NPs. Though through their actions and beliefs NPs tend to share that trait. I know that is a generalization, but that is mostly comparing with , since I have limited knowledge of . I think ISTps tend to have a lot in common with ESTjs that are robotic due to similar dominant functions, so it makes that an ISTp could be more robotic than animalistic. I think NTs and especially NTJs tend to hide their true thoughts, since it would not be welcomed. They usually mask this sillininess or animalistic behaviour as a coping mechanism. Also, NTs like any other type could display animalistic behaviour during times of stress.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

    6w7 sp/sx

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Behaviour and Symbols

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Quote Originally Posted by Young_and_Confused
    ESTp: Logical Lion
    ESFp: Ethical Monkey
    Why ESTp is a lion and ESFp is a monkey? If SeTi is a logical lion then SeFi would be an ethical lion I guess? Hmm...same goes with ISTp and ISFp they could be logical fox and ethical fox. I generally like the symbols but I don't quite grasp the logic here. Could you explain a bit how you ended up with these symbols?
    A lot of it comes to just random that came up at at the moment. ESTPs are lions because they are always nomadic and doing so much. As for ESFPs being monkeys, I just tried to connect types together. That is why ENFp is half monkey and half saint, since a monkey to is an EXFP trait. I basically connected it to my monkey like behaviour. Also, my ESFP best friend actually does a very accurate monkey screech.

    As for the ISTp being a fox, I just got that from Rockys avatar and I thought it fit it well. ISFp is a cat not a fox and I got ISFp from a connection through INFps. I find that INFps can be randomly bitchy like a cat, though they are mostly calm and nice to hang around with, although I never met one.

    Hahaha. This is hilarious That was a funny series btw.

    And to Y&C you are making progress Your post is a big leap forward.

    These descriptions are not bad at all:
    ESTp: Logical Lion
    ISTp: Logical Fox
    of course I associate them a bit differently than you probably (in a more concrete way) so they are not perfect. But anyways as far as my childhood sports experiences go I can remember ESTps as brave lions who immediately challenged the opponent face to face. ISTps were clearly more creative and sneaky and only went for direct confrontation when they didn't see another path to victory. This would be more fox like behavior then.

    What is interesting is the association of SPs and animals in general. If you think animalistic behavior is in the other end and robotic is in another end then I'm not sure which end is more me. I do have some primitive and "animalistic" traits but in general I find myself more robotic than most people I meet. I have been called "boring" in the chat many times because I tend to get annoyed about "animalistic" behavior there How do you define the "animalistic" behavior or "animal tendencies".

    If I compare myself to ENTjs for example in the surface it seems they are more robotic. Then again they often engage in behavior I could never do and they claim I'm "boring" or "robotic" for not playing along.

    In the context of the chat..the only ESFp and the ISFps in the chat seem the least "animalistic" there and seem very deep and even rational. I find many NTs there often go totally out of control in a disturbing way NTs have great deal of processing power and they use fancy concepts but other than that they often act like animals in my opinion They are rarely spiritual, they talk about sex alot in a very primitive/mechanical way, if you rip of the intellectual surface then they seem quite shallow and things like that. Or is that "robotic" behavior instead of "animalistic"? I'm not sure what is meant by "animal tendencies", "human tendencies".

    Well by appearance most people think that SPs seem a lot more mature and responsible then NPs. Though through their actions and beliefs NPs tend to share that trait. I know that is a generalization, but that is mostly comparing with , since I have limited knowledge of . I think ISTps tend to have a lot in common with ESTjs that are robotic due to similar dominant functions, so it makes that an ISTp could be more robotic than animalistic. I think NTs and especially NTJs tend to hide their true thoughts, since it would not be welcomed. They usually mask this sillininess or animalistic behaviour as a coping mechanism. Also, NTs like any other type could display animalistic behaviour during times of stress.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

    6w7 sp/sx

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