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Thread: The Persona Series

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    Dauphin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luminous Lynx View Post
    @hag already covered our typings of P3 characters after our playthrough. We're wrapping up P4 now, so I'll cover those here, and we can edit in others we've forgotten. We'll cover the main cast and likely add in Social Link NPCs at a later date.

    In order of appearance:

    Protagonist: EIE (The most conventional leader of the Persona series; galvanizing, supportive, transformative, and frankly rather posh. An overwhelming majority of his dialogue options convey him as an obvious F type. People saying otherwise need to replay the game)

    Dojima: SLI (We tried seeing him in a 'laid back' LSE light, but that never stuck)

    Nanako: EII-Fi (This becomes quite abundantly obvious as the story progresses, and her consistent hatred of conflict and imposition--fighting, interrogation, etc--is persistent throughout)

    Yosuke: ILE (Obvious Ne base, obvious ILE, obvious Fi Vuln. The amount of time he unwittingly says socially graceless, heartless bullshit in this game is remarkable. Ignore previous posts, he's not IEE at all. The amount of times his Fe HA gets denied becomes comical)

    Chie: SEE (She's not an Fe base. Replay the game. She provides no 'care' for people, outside of physically training to become stronger so she can protect her friends and wimpy geeks in her social link scenes, and she's not the least bit intuitive. She's a gossipy chick--who's afraid she's too Boyish. read: Se--who likes kung fu movies, fighting things, and training to fight more things. She's like if Sanada and Junpei had a gene-spliced cousin or sister. While we're at it, anyone typing Junpei ESE also needs to replay P3)

    Yukiko: ESI-Fi (there's nothing intuitive or abstract about her. She's also the biggest prude in the game, regularly slaps people for being too suggestive and never feels bad about it--read:not Se Vuln--and her social link is a pretty cut-and-dry 'complex of the tied hands')

    Adachi: IEE - Not sure how people are getting Yosuke and Adachi backwards. Granted, many of You might be typing in retrospect, but Hag and I just played P4 as of writing this. Yosuke is generally a smart dude, but he regularly offends people with social gracelessness, is a clumsy idiot at managing his relations, and seems to have a terrible grasp over what's offensive. His Fe HA seems blatantly obvious (to the viewer) in a variety of scenes. On the other hand, Adachi is a natural at reassuring people, and gets carried away in his small talk and rambling, to the point that Dojima scolds him. Adachi's scenes with Nanako are fairly telling, and Adachi not once until the end of the story even offends anybody, he just kinda pesters people with how much of a hapless, friendly chatterbox he is. His expression and thought processes are far messier than Yosuke as well. Even Adachi's reasoning for killing people is largely ExxP sociopathy, nor did he have the stomach to actually kill people directly, as he literally vomits after seeing the corpse of his first victim. I won't discuss the finer details of the 'true ending', but I don't buy Adachi was literally acting like a completely different personality (something I think only the finest actors are actually capable of), I think he was just accentuating elements of his character to play dumb/feign innocence.

    Teddie: Teddie is not a type. Teddie is whatever the butt of a joke, or the terrible attempts at family-friendly, cringey humor requires of him. Teddie is the worst mascot in this series by many country miles and he is not a realistic personality type.

    Kanji: SLE-Se (On one hand this is the most obvious typing there is, yet on another this game was determined to satirize Kanji into the ground. They made him so kind and gentle in some ways he comes off as ESI-Se at times, yet make him a blunt, moronic punk. They don't even allow him to appear intelligent most of the time. Kanji is my favorite character in the game and I despise how they handled him. It came off like Ne valuers representing what they thought Se lead was supposed to be like. See also: Divinity Original Sin 2)

    Rise: SEI-Fe (I don't have much to say on this. We both thought it was abundantly obvious. Risette, her false starlette self, is probably intended to be SEE, but Rise the person is not)

    Naoto: LSI-Ti (The most hilariously IxxJ character in the game, to a near comical extent. Much too blunt, cagey, and, at times, straight up savage to be LII, and much too concerned with and sensitive over having purpose, meaning, direction in life, etc. Her interactions with Yosuke, how he steps on her, and how poorly they gel further solidifies they are not both Alpha NT. Obvious captain deduction Ti base, who regularly, knowingly puts their own life in danger in their devotion to solving a case)

    Namatame and Kubo are both ILI. The latter has lost most of his humanity and fallen into solipsistic nihilism, and the former is struggling to hold on to his humanity. Namatame is far less of a caricature than Kubo, thankfully. Namatame, failed man and husband that he absolutely is, at least still tries to be a good person. ILIs took the L in P4, compared to Chidori in P3, who is initially some ostensibly absurd trope, and yet catalyzes arguably the most significant plot point and transformative character progression in that game.
    I sense you preferred P3. I went in the opposite direction from you two, as I started with P4 and went backwards to P3 (which I'm currently in November). So far Akihiko, Shinjiro, Ryoji, and Koromaru (obv) are favorites.

    Dojima is clearly a Delta ST. Ulitmately I typed him as LSE vs SLI due to his tendency to overwork himself at the expense of family time and his horribly backfiring attempts to protect Yu and Nanako.
    I disagree on Kanji's type. Him actually being a nice guy who enjoys caring for and helping people but being too frightened to show it is more consistent with ESI than SLE. His characterization may be inconsistent, but the more important parts point towards ESI.
    Your argument for Adachi being IEE is rather good, though I can't quite say that any type fits him perfectly. He's definitely more anhedonic and misanthropic than the usual IEE.
    Re: Yukiko, Chie and Rise I'll have to play the game again. None of them are particularly interesting to me, though I'm not antipathetic towards them. You're probably right about Yukiko, but I have more doubts about Chie and Rise.
    And I liked Teddie.

  2. #2
    Luminous Lynx Memento Mori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carolus View Post
    I sense you preferred P3. I went in the opposite direction from you two, as I started with P4 and went backwards to P3 (which I'm currently in November). So far Akihiko, Shinjiro, Ryoji, and Koromaru (obv) are favorites.

    Dojima is clearly a Delta ST. Ulitmately I typed him as LSE vs SLI due to his tendency to overwork himself at the expense of family time and his horribly backfiring attempts to protect Yu and Nanako.
    I disagree on Kanji's type. Him actually being a nice guy who enjoys caring for and helping people but being too frightened to show it is more consistent with ESI than SLE. His characterization may be inconsistent, but the more important parts point towards ESI.
    Your argument for Adachi being IEE is rather good, though I can't quite say that any type fits him perfectly. He's definitely more anhedonic and misanthropic than the usual IEE.
    Re: Yukiko, Chie and Rise I'll have to play the game again. None of them are particularly interesting to me, though I'm not antipathetic towards them. You're probably right about Yukiko, but I have more doubts about Chie and Rise.
    And I liked Teddie.
    We played the undubbed (Japanese audio) version. Neither of us could stomach Teddie. The Japanese voice acting was extremely grating and his humor was obnoxious af lol. Teddie is the mascot character tho so w/e, Anime tends to have hard-to-stomach humor. I won't protest Adachi is a deeply unhealthy person, and I'm fine with his type being withheld. Kanji I actually started out thinking ESI-Se, we both did. It was his social link, the last few tiers, where he started saying a bunch of stuff that sounded Fi vuln to us that we started reconsidering, and the trope they were intent on fitting him into (aggro punk guy). Shinjiro is more of an obvious ESI-Se to us. Hag played the PSP version so it was the female protag, wherein You get a social link for Shinjiro where his personality really gets fleshed out alot more. In any event, Kanji as ESI-Se should've been written better, but I'd be happy to see him in that light. Regardless, he's our fave character. Finally, yeah, Dojima could be a chill LSE. I have no strong opinion about his typing, frankly. The way he portrays himself as loose and informal for the first quarter of the plot seemed more SLI, but I have no idea how relaxed LSEs can get.

    Glad to hear You're playing P3!
    Last edited by Memento Mori; 08-25-2019 at 04:33 AM.
    "We live in an age in which there is no heroic death."

    Model A: ESI-Se -
    DCNH: Dominant

    Enneagram: 1w2, 2w1, 6w7
    Instinctual Variant: Sx/So

  3. #3
    Dauphin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luminous Lynx View Post
    Kanji I actually started out thinking ESI-Se, we both did. It was his social link, the last few tiers, where he started saying a bunch of stuff that sounded Fi vuln to us that we started reconsidering, and the trope they were intent on fitting him into (aggro punk guy).
    That could make the difference. I haven't maxed Kanji's social link yet because I went in blind for my first playthrough (to poor results) and in my second playthrough I was too focused on not letting my chance to romance the cute LSI detective girl pass again.
    Either way, I deliberately limit my interaction with anything weebish, so it's perfectly possible that writing tropes and Japanese cultural elements present in the game have gone over my head, causing me to slightly misinterpret the characters.

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