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Thread: Being gay and its effects on type

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  1. #1
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    Ehh ... actually, BulletsAndDoves, there are a crap load of guys out there who play the straight card, marry women for children and when no one else is around find some dude to come screw them, just like they do their wives or girlfriends or whatever. This world is full of closet homos. It is blazingly common in fact, but for the most part it is a hidden factor of society no one seems to acknowledge or talk about.

    There are alot of factors that make people gay. Some people are legitimatelly born with gay with same sex tendencies and others are deceived and brainwashed into being gay. You can tell the difference between a legitimate gay and a brainwashed one by their level of comfort around other people.

    For example, transsexuals ... there are a bunch of them who are legitimatelly the other sex they were not born with, then you have the ones who are encouraged from certain factors to be the other gender and made to either suppress the tendency or made to fit the role.

    Well, legitimate transsexual pretty much act like every other genetic man or woman, taking they were born in a body different than their actual sex in all aspects of their behavior. They usually tend to despise the genitals they were born with and all aspects of their birth sex. They also do not like it one bit when you infer at all that they are their birth sex. In all aspects that want people to recognize them for the sex they project, and not their birth sex.

    Then you got the transsexuals who are probably just really transgendered, maybe they come off a little too much like the other sex all the time and just want to have liberty to be themselves. So, they do thing to look like the other sex. They usually love their birth genitals, and in fact usually parade them around. Most of these people are bisexuals who behave like the other sex.

    There seems to be a signifigantly large portion of transgendered people who become feminist, and as a result become diehard transsexuals and feminists. These people are not true transsexuals [they are transgendered at most], and for the most part I have found them to be bitter angry people inside. I tend to stay away from these sort of people.

    Then you have the gay men who are a biproduct of gay subculture and act gay, because that is the way they feel most comfortable. Usually these sort of gays are extremely open about being gay and express that comfortably out in the open everywhere they go. Most of these people are content they way they are and want to change nothing about themselves.

    Then you have the straight acting people who are completely paranoid of all of these people and afraid that being around them is going to contaminate them. These straight acting people should learn to grow the hell up and realize this world is not exactly a perfect gender/sex pure paradise. Usually these people are highly conservative and think the world should fit in this tight little box they have imagined ... well, I think they should take that box out of their ass and get a dose of reality. There is no such thing as perfect anything in this world.

    In any case, gender and what sex you are has nothing to do with the socionics functions you have. It is actually a whole other study in itself.

  2. #2
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Ehh ... actually, BulletsAndDoves, there are a crap load of guys out there who play the straight card, marry women for children and when no one else is around find some dude to come screw them, just like they do their wives or girlfriends or whatever.
    Oh, I already know this. That's why '2-10%' of men are gay is a bullshit statistic. Try closer to 30%. It's just a hunch, but I always felt like the number of gay men was closer to 30%.

    This world is full of closet homos. It is blazingly common in fact, but for the most part it is a hidden factor of society no one seems to acknowledge or talk about.
    Except me. I talk about it all the time, really- as it's a problem that needs addressing for sure.

    There are alot of factors that make people gay. Some people are legitimatelly born with gay with same sex tendencies and others are deceived and brainwashed into being gay. You can tell the difference between a legitimate gay and a brainwashed one by their level of comfort around other people.
    That's just your subjective perception anyway. Nobody really knows how sexual orientation is truly developed, but you're right, it probably depends on each individual. There is no blanket 'right answer.' The problem with finding out if people are gay or not, is there doesn't seem to be that good of a 'control subject': heterosexuals. The very question raised on how people are gay (even if you use the politically correct phrase 'sexual orientation'), already assumes heterosexuality is superior, something that doesn't sit well with some folks. Me, I'm tired of it. Even if heterosexuality *is* innately superior, there are still simply gay people and people need to deal with it. There's no good arguement to use. Deafness and blindness is a defect as well, a 'glitch on society', but they still have all their equal rights and the chance to love. Blah.

    I'm glad it's a mystery. Because if people really did find out, there would be a mass genocide of gayness by some of the crazier people in society, you just know there would be. Homosexuality should always remain a puzzle, always an enigma, always a question. And Mother Nature, bless her heart, seems to have a way to make sure this is always the case.

    Then you have the straight acting people who are completely paranoid of all of these people and afraid that being around them is going to contaminate them. These straight acting people should learn to grow the hell up and realize this world is not exactly a perfect gender/sex pure paradise. Usually these people are highly conservative and think the world should fit in this tight little box they have imagined ... well, I think they should take that box out of their ass and get a dose of reality. There is no such thing as perfect anything in this world.

  3. #3
    smccosker's Avatar
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    i was joking about the wife thing. but honestly i wouldnt want to raise a child in a gay environment unless i adopt a homosexual kid. i mean it would be too weird for the kid, especially if it's a boy. so i guess i won't have kids. i dunno whatever

  4. #4
    Creepy-Pied Piper


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