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Thread: My discovery: from Enneagram 9 to Enneagram 1.

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    Manatroid92's Avatar
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    Lightbulb My discovery: from Enneagram 9 to Enneagram 1.

    So, as I do every so often, I went on a bit of an Enneagram trip today. Partly for fun, partly to confirm if there is any change to the results I get from tests, and partly to learn a bit more about it and myself.

    From anyone who pays attention to my profile or my posts (no shame if you don't, no worries), you may notice that I identify as a Type 9 (more specifically 9w1). For a long time since I was...I guess a teenager/young adult, I had
    been pretty 'easygoing', or at least felt I was. Early in my Enneagram romps, I made connections with both E6 and E9, but realizing that I am not really so suspicious of people and that my anxieties don't come from a lack of security per se, I basically settled on E9. In other stints later on, I would identify later with E4 and E5, but never really stray far from E9 at all, so I decided it must be the case.

    Now there was always a bit of a problem with E9, that being that I could only ever identify with 9w1; 9w8 is pretty far from how I myself am, and how I imagine others see me. So the connection to make here is that I must have had a very strong 1-wing. This made sense to me previously, my family do consider me to be pretty conscientious and moralistic (something which I inherited from my dad, I assume, may he rest), if not always in action then definitely in intent.

    Arriving at today, on my little Enneagram Tour, I, again, had a bit of fun, got E9 on a number of test results...and also learned about myself. That being, I am much less likely to be a 9w1...and more likely to be a 1w9.
    As mentioned earlier, the 8 wing never really made sense for me. Sure, strong wings exist, but generally by theory they shouldn't exist so strongly that the other one really ceases to be. I do have a bit of a competitive streak, but that's likely because I might be a Se-valuer anyway. However, I have had a little longing and want to serve something, something other than myself. This is actually, E2/1w2 in action. Sure, E9's can be like this, but I don't think they'd really go out of their way to help others unless it really helped them maintain their sense of harmony, so they wouldn't, by default, have this little hungering for it.

    The general laziness and slovenliness I have may doesn't completely rule out E1, I don't think. Assuming I really am an intuitive type in Socionics, it follows that I would naturally have a bit of inertness to myself, especially regarding practical matters.

    ...Damn, there's a lot of revelations I made in a fairly short amount of time, actually. I won't be able to get them all out in one go, so I've now realized I may need to make multiple posts. Hope that's okay with all of you.
    Assuming I don't suddenly backflip on this (I feel quite strongly that I won't), then I'll definitely get around to expanding on this all a bit more. Obviously you can all leave comments if you like, and I'll likely reply to them too!

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    Shadow Squirrel's Avatar
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    Interesting but I have some important notes

    1- wings doesn't matter that much , instincts are more important
    What you've said about not relating to w8 is ordinary because this applies only to people who have balanced wings

    2- Enneagram 9's laziness is not necessarily laziness from work, it's laziness from person's real needs and from what benefit them
    (9 So , for example, are the opposite of the word lazy when it comes to work, but their laziness is embodied in their complete oblivion of themselves )

    3- you can distinguish between 1 and 9 by how do you act in the unhealthy levels

    E9 numb themselves with activities that make them forgetful : food , relaxing , internet , working , etc , they might even get to a point where they would be unable to think or feel

    E1 become more strict and critical of themselves + others, and more committed to their ideals.* they see that it is their responsibility to correct everything

    Another thing that helps is reading Subtypes , I'll put a summary of each subtype to make it easier for you to choose what you're most like

    1 Sp : striving for perfection, worrying about everything similar to 6 Sp , not feeling perfect or enough , turn anger into warmth

    1 Sx : correcting others and striving to make them perfect , feeling entitlement to their desires , obvious angry similar to Enneagram 8 , enthusiasm

    1 So : self-rightness , coldness, lack of adaptability, considering themselves the perfect role model for others, teaching others the right way to do things

    9 Sp : big appetite, routine, materialism, more tendency towards conflict compared to other 9 Subtypes , stubbornness

    9 Sx : tenderness, amalgamation, complete integration with someone: goals, desires, etc , self-sacrifice

    9 So : Complete integration into the group and adoption of its values, customs, etc, work for the benefit of the group, complete self-forgetfulness, workaholism

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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Messy View Post
    Interesting but I have some important notes

    1- wings doesn't matter that much , instincts are more important
    What you've said about not relating to w8 is ordinary because this applies only to people who have balanced wings

    2- Enneagram 9's laziness is not necessarily laziness from work, it's laziness from person's real needs and from what benefit them
    (9 So , for example, are the opposite of the word lazy when it comes to work, but their laziness is embodied in their complete oblivion of themselves )

    3- you can distinguish between 1 and 9 by how do you act in the unhealthy levels

    E9 numb themselves with activities that make them forgetful : food , relaxing , internet , working , etc , they might even get to a point where they would be unable to think or feel

    E1 become more strict and critical of themselves + others, and more committed to their ideals.* they see that it is their responsibility to correct everything

    Another thing that helps is reading Subtypes , I'll put a summary of each subtype to make it easier for you to choose what you're most like

    1 Sp : striving for perfection, worrying about everything similar to 6 Sp , not feeling perfect or enough , turn anger into warmth

    1 Sx : correcting others and striving to make them perfect , feeling entitlement to their desires , obvious angry similar to Enneagram 8 , enthusiasm

    1 So : self-rightness , coldness, lack of adaptability, considering themselves the perfect role model for others, teaching others the right way to do things

    9 Sp : big appetite, routine, materialism, more tendency towards conflict compared to other 9 Subtypes , stubbornness

    9 Sx : tenderness, amalgamation, complete integration with someone: goals, desires, etc , self-sacrifice

    9 So : Complete integration into the group and adoption of its values, customs, etc, work for the benefit of the group, complete self-forgetfulness, workaholism
    After so many years, I am absolutely flabbergasted that I never found one big resource for Enneagram Subtypes. Other than books, I guess, but I have little money to spend on stuff like that anyway, so reliable free resources are always appreciated.
    Thanks so much for this!

    I will keep looking at the different subtypes to clarify some things further (I am wondering if I may be a 5 or 6 instead now), but on the surface it seems that Sp 1 or 9 seem to fit the most (makes sense, I always figured Sp was my main instinct variant-thing). I will, of course, keep looking into these further and see if there's any other revelations I can find.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Manatroid92 View Post
    After so many years, I am absolutely flabbergasted that I never found one big resource for Enneagram Subtypes. Other than books, I guess, but I have little money to spend on stuff like that anyway, so reliable free resources are always appreciated.
    Thanks so much for this!

    I will keep looking at the different subtypes to clarify some things further (I am wondering if I may be a 5 or 6 instead now), but on the surface it seems that Sp 1 or 9 seem to fit the most (makes sense, I always figured Sp was my main instinct variant-thing). I will, of course, keep looking into these further and see if there's any other revelations I can find.
    Here you can find all Subtypes descriptions

    5 So , 6 Sp and 6 So might look like 1

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