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Thread: Enneagram Tritypes - what's your tritype?

  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    Anyone heard of this?

    What do you think about this?

    Enneagram Tritype
    My tritype is in my profile.
    What do these signs mean—, , etc.? Why cannot socionists use symbols Ne, Ni etc. as in MBTI? Just because they have somewhat different meaning. Socionics and MBTI, each in its own way, have slightly modified the original Jung's description of his 8 psychological types. For this reason, (Ne) is not exactly the same as Ne in MBTI.

    Just one example: in MBTI, Se (extraverted sensing) is associated with life pleasures, excitement etc. By contrast, the socionic function (extraverted sensing) is first and foremost associated with control and expansion of personal space (which sometimes can manifest in excessive aagression, but often also manifests in a capability of managing lots of people and things).

    For this reason, we consider comparison between MBTI types and socionic types by functions to be rather useless than useful.

    -Victor Gulenko, Dmitri Lytov

  2. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
    I've heard that the second and third part of your tritype is determined by you're first.

    Types 7 and 8 will have image types third. 4 and 5 have gut types third. 1 and 2 have mental types third. 9, 3, and 6 don't really have a second and third type. Instead the other types in their tritype are basically equal.

    This has to do with 4 and 5 being withdrawn and having sacrificed their instinctual nature, 7 and 8 being aggressive and having sacrificed their image consciousness and 1 and 2 being compliant and having sacrificed their inquisitiveness. Something like that.
    Interesting that definitely fits me, my instinctual triad is last, sometimes I feel like an 8w9 (relate to the description), except instead of actually acting on my instincts, I tend to go through a long period of thinking and intellectualizing obsessively to be very close to absolutely sure, then I act on them. Only in critical situations do I ever feel I tend to exhibit 8-ness, when it's obvious their isn't time to think things through, otherwise I tend to just retreat into my head.

  3. #83
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    Default woofie's garage: and he didn't even install the wings yet...

    The Enneagram is built primarily on trichotomizations. Based on my admittedly small knowledge of numerology, there seems to be something profane about using a dichotomic approach towards Enneagram. I may have inadvertently kicked that previously closed door right off its fucking hinges. More on that later. Anyways, there are three main triads in the Enneagram; the Heart triad, the Head triad, and the Gut triad. 2, 3, and 4 are in the Heart triad; 5, 6, and 7 are in the Head triad; 8, 9, and 1 are in the Gut triad. There are also a whole host of other various trichotomies in the Enneagram:

    . . . Rejection Attachment Frustration
    Heart . . 2 . . . . .3. . . . . 4
    Head . . .5 . . . . .6. . . . . 7
    Gut . . . 8 . . . . .9. . . . . 1

    . . . Compliant .Assertive. Withdrawn
    Heart . . 2 . . . . .3. . . . . 4
    Head . . .6 . . . . .7. . . . . 5
    Gut . . . 1 . . . . .8. . . . . 9

    . . . Positive .Competency. Reactive
    Heart . . 2 . . . . .3. . . . . 4
    Head . . .7 . . . . .5. . . . . 6
    Gut . . . 9 . . . . .1. . . . . 8

    The currently standard naming of unpermutated tritypes, as of now, consists of writing them out in numerical order, and arranging them thusly. This creates a mess of the internals; 33% of the time, the Gut type is out in front; 67% of the time, the Heart type is out in front. For the sake of systematic order*, I'm gonna write the Heart type out in front, followed by the Head type, ending with the Gut type: *not only does the heart/head/gut alignment make everything inherently more organized, but when I see the "1" as an abbreviation of, and furthermore the sum of the digits of "10", two things happen. The first thing is that the smallest-to-largest order from heart through head to gut is maintained. The second thing has to do with a type of correllation between the numbers of the minor arcana of the Thoth tarot and a counterclockwise journey through the Enneagram that would travel up the Tree of Life, going backwards in numerical order in both instances, with the true "1" resulting in some sort of transcendence. I'll get to that later...

    . . . . . .triple. . . . . double
    Rejection . 258 . 259 251 268 278 358 458
    Attachment .369 . 269 359 368 361 379 469
    Frustration 471 . 271 371 451 461 478 479

    . . . . . .triple. . . . . double
    Compliant . 261 . 251 268 269 271 361 461
    Assertive . 378 . 278 358 368 379 371 478
    Withdrawn . 459 . 259 359 458 451 469 479

    . . . . . .triple. . . . . double
    Positive . .279 . 259 269 278 271 379 479
    Competency .351 . 251 358 359 361 371 451
    Reactive . .468 . 268 368 458 469 461 478

    no Rejection . 369 361 379 371 469 461 479 471
    no Attachment .258 251 278 271 458 451 478 471
    no Frustration 258 259 268 269 358 359 368 369

    no Compliant . 358 359 378 379 458 459 478 479
    no Assertive . 259 251 269 261 459 451 469 461
    no Withdrawn . 268 261 278 271 368 361 378 371

    no Positive . .358 351 368 361 458 451 468 461
    no Competency .268 269 278 279 468 469 478 479
    no Reactive . .259 251 279 271 359 351 379 371

    The Enneagram circle is written with the gut triad on top, and vertical values of Enneagram positionings can carry all sorts of implications. 279 is the Triple Positive-Outlook tritype, and 458 is said to be the darkest tritype; as per my tritypings, this fits incredibly well. The former is at the highest overall position that an Enneagram tritype can be at, and the latter is at the lowest overall position that an Enneagram tritype can be at, sharing this position with the 451 tritype.

    To determine the vertical distance from the base of the Enneagram itself to the position of each Enneagram number, I started by assigning degree values to each number in the Enneagram in accordance to their position on the circle itself. From there, I noted how many degrees each Enneagram position was away from the top of the Enneagram. Then, I noted how many degrees each Enneagram position was away from the vertical midpoint of the Enneagram itself. After that, I took the sine of that degree value and then divided that number by 2. sin(90°) = 1, but using 1 as a value would be dumb, because if 1 is the maximum vertical distance from the midpoint of the circle and an Enneagram type, that would make the distance from the bottom of the Enneagram to the top of the Enneagram be 2. And from there, if the Enneagram position was above the equator, I added 0.5 to the result; if the Enneagram position was below the equator, I subtracted the result from 0.5:

    E . position ° from top ° from mid dist from mid dist from btm
    9 -> .---> .------>.90° -----> 0.500 ------> 1.000
    1 -> .40° ---> .40° ------>.50° -----> 0.383 ------> 0.883
    2 -> .80° ---> .80° ------>.10° -----> 0.087 ------> 0.587
    3 -> 120° ---> 120° ------>.30° -----> 0.250 ------> 0.250
    4 -> 160° ---> 160° ------>.70° -----> 0.470 ------> 0.030
    5 -> 200° ---> 160° ------>.70° -----> 0.470 ------> 0.030
    6 -> 240° ---> 120° ------>.30° -----> 0.250 ------> 0.250
    7 -> 280° ---> .80° ------>.10° -----> 0.087 ------> 0.587
    8 -> 320° ---> .40° ------>.50° -----> 0.383 ------> 0.883

    From there, I took each Enneagram number in each tritype, added their distances from the bottom of the Enneagram together, and used those sums to arrange the tritypes in order of brightness versus darkness:

    bright. . . .tritype . . . . dark
    2.174 . . . . .279. . . . . 0.826
    2.057 . . . .278 271. . . . 0.943
    1.837 . . . .269 379. . . . 1.163
    1.720 . .268 261 378 371. . 1.280
    1.617 . . . .259 479. . . . 1.383
    1.500 .258 251 369 478 471. 1.500
    1.383 . . . .368 361. . . . 1.617
    1.280 . . . .359 469. . . . 1.720
    1.163 . .358 351 468 461. . 1.837
    1.060 . . . . .459. . . . . 1.940
    0.943 . . . .458 451. . . . 2.057

    I currently have no idea where the hell it is, but I came across an article in which the Enneagram's numbers were rotated in accordance to the reader's Enneagram type, while the lines themselves stayed put. What followed next was some sort of a life journey that consisted of the individual claiming strengths associated with Enneagram types that first followed the connecting lines of the 369 integration pattern; upon reaching "6", the next move was to go clockwise to "7", and then follow the lines of the 758241 pattern of integration; for example, starting at E4 would lead to the following sequence: 4, 7, 1, 2, 9, 3, 6, 8, 5. If the Enneagram's numbers can be rotated in that manner to do something of that magnitude, let's rotate them to first make 3, and then 6, the crown of the Enneagram. Running through the computations in the chart full of degree symbols accordingly would result in the following values:

    E . heart .head. gut
    . 0.250 0.250 1.000
    1 . 0.587 0.030 0.883
    2 . 0.883 0.030 0.587
    3 . 1.000 0.250 0.250
    4 . 0.883 0.587 0.030
    5 . 0.587 0.883 0.030
    6 . 0.250 1.000 0.250
    7 . 0.030 0.883 0.587
    8 . 0.030 0.587 0.883

    I noticed that the sums of these three distances always add up to 1.5. Anyways, as I did with brightness/darkness in regards to 9 and the Gut triad, I will also do with 3 and the Heart triad, as well as 6 and the Head triad. Distilling these concepts down to small, one-word containers was no easy task, but exact/loose and alert/sleep work well enough for now. If anyone comes up with better terms, feel free to let me know.

    exact . . . .tritype . . . .loose . . alert. . . . tritype . . . .sleep
    2.174 . . . . .351. . . . . 0.826 . . 2.174 . . . . .468. . . . . 0.826
    2.057 . . . .251 451. . . . 0.943 . . 2.057 . . . .458 478. . . . 0.943
    1.837 . . . .359 361. . . . 1.163 . . 1.837 . . . .368 469. . . . 1.163
    1.720 . .259 261 459 461. . 1.280 . . 1.720 . .358 378 459 479. . 1.280
    1.617 . . . .358 371. . . . 1.383 . . 1.617 . . . .268 461. . . . 1.383
    1.500 .258 271 369 458 471. 1.500 . . 1.500 .258 278 369 451 471. 1.500
    1.383 . . . .269 469. . . . 1.617 . . 1.383 . . . .359 379. . . . 1.617
    1.280 . . . .368 379. . . . 1.720 . . 1.280 . . . .269 361. . . . 1.720
    1.163 . .268 279 468 479. . 1.837 . . 1.163 . .259 279 351 371. . 1.837
    1.060 . . . . .378. . . . . 1.940 . . 1.060 . . . . .261. . . . . 1.940
    0.943 . . . .278 478. . . . 2.057 . . 0.943 . . . .251 271. . . . 2.057

    As usual, I don't know specifically what any of this will be used for, and if it's a bit wild, I wanna post this right now because that's the only time I got; if the computer takes a shit on me after having done all of this without a post coming out of it, then I'll be beyond pissed. Anyways, have fun!
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  4. #84
    I've been waiting for you Satan's Avatar
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    tritypes just make things too complicated.

  5. #85
    an object in motion woofwoofl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    tritypes just make things too complicated.
    It's as complicated as you want it to be

    A tritype with a set permutation can be retroactively simplified into a single Enneagram type. An unpermutated tritype will oftentimes be the first apparent thing I pick up on. Correlations between tritypes can reveal and clarify more than singular typings ever would. Trityping also sectionalizes the Enneagram into three groups of three types. No one said that it's mandatory to find the whole thing immediately. No one said it's even mandatory to find the whole thing at all. As an intermediary step between having no idea of an Enneagram type, and being fairly certain of an Enneagram type, a tritype approach turns everything into a 1 in 3 choice, far easier to take on than effectively being forced into jumping right to that 1 in 9 choice. The more tools at everyone's disposal, the better.
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    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    It's as complicated as you want it to be

    A tritype with a set permutation can be retroactively simplified into a single Enneagram type. An unpermutated tritype will oftentimes be the first apparent thing I pick up on. Correlations between tritypes can reveal and clarify more than singular typings ever would. Trityping also sectionalizes the Enneagram into three groups of three types. No one said that it's mandatory to find the whole thing immediately. No one said it's even mandatory to find the whole thing at all. As an intermediary step between having no idea of an Enneagram type, and being fairly certain of an Enneagram type, a tritype approach turns everything into a 1 in 3 choice, far easier to take on than effectively being forced into jumping right to that 1 in 9 choice. The more tools at everyone's disposal, the better.
    i can't even remember what tritype you thought i was, let alone anyone else.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    i can't even remember what tritype you thought i was, let alone anyone else.
    8 for the Gut fix, I can't see anything else being there. Something other than 2 for the Image fix. At least two fixes in the Reactive triad. Something other than 5 for the Head fix. A 478 trityping would completely dodge the Compliant triad while including both two fixes in the Reactive triad and the Aggressive triad.

    If I were to order the tritype sequentially and install a set of wings on the thing, I'd go with 7w8-8w7-4w3.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    tritypes just make things too complicated.
    I'm a firm believer in tritypes, fixes make all the difference and perfectly explain the differences between individuals of the same E type.

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    I found these very interesting and fitting:

    The 27 Tritypes from Wiki

    Tritype Archetype

    125, 251, 512 The Mentor Triple details (2 is people details)
    126, 261, 612 The Supporter Triple duty, compliant helper
    127, 271, 712 The Teacher Triple people focused, correcting or enjoying
    135, 351, 513 The Technical Expert Triple precise or exacting
    136, 361, 613 The Taskmaster Triple doing, responsible, Industrious
    137, 371, 713 The Systems Builder Triple perfectionistic, developing.
    145, 451, 514 The Researcher Triple analytical
    146, 416, 614 The Philosopher Triple critical of self and others.
    147, 417, 714 The Visionary Triple vision, ideas
    258, 582, 825 The Strategist Triple rejection oriented
    259, 592, 925 The Problem
    Solver Triple conflict avoiding
    268, 682, 826 The Rescuer Triple protector, people focus active, hero
    269, 692, 926 The Good Samaritan Triple people focus passive, helpers also
    278, 782, 827 The Free Spirit ,Triple manipulating, Libertine
    279, 792, 927 The Peacemaker Triple Upbeat ok-ness
    358, 583, 835 The Solution Master triple strategic
    359, 593, 935 The Thinker Triple hiders of true self, Camouflagers
    368, 683, 836 The Justice Fighter Triple Confronters, Challenger
    369, 639, 936 The Mediator Adapters, triple shape changes to get along
    378, 738, 837 The Mover and Shaker Triple assertive
    379, 739, 937 The Ambassador Triple positive, happy, Goodwill
    458, 548, 845 The Scholar Triple independent thinkers
    459, 549, 945 The Contemplative Triple withdrawn
    468, 648, 846 The Truth Teller Triple reactive, emotional
    469, 649, 946
    The SeekerTriple doubting
    478, 748, 847 The Mes
    senger Triple creative and original
    479, 749, 947 The Gentle Spirit Triple imaginative and magical

    or alternative names (I hope I can post this) :

    3 - 8 - 7 - The Conquistador/Adventurer
    3 - 8 - 6 - The Hero/Villain
    3 - 8 - 5 - The Direct Person/Commander
    3 - 1 - 5 - The Adept/Expert/Researcher
    3 - 1 - 6 - The Dedicated Person/Hard Worker/vigilante
    3 - 1 - 7 - The Pragmatist
    3 - 9 - 5 - The Detached Person
    3 - 9 - 6 - The Shape-shifter
    3 - 9 - 7 - The Presenter

    4 - 9 - 6 - The Empath
    4 - 9 - 5 - The Enigma
    4 - 9 - 7 - The Escapist
    4 - 8 - 5 - The Independent
    4 - 8 - 6 - The Rebel
    4 - 8 - 7 - The Innovator
    4 - 1 - 5 - The Sincere Person
    4 - 1 - 6 - The Practical Aesthete
    4 - 1 - 7 - The Idealist

    2 - 9 - 7 - The Encourager/Philanthropist
    2 - 9 - 6 - The Supporter/Devotee
    2 - 9 - 5 - The Anonymous Contributor/Power-behind-the-throne
    2 - 1 - 5 - The Researcher/Specialist
    2 - 1 - 6 - The Volunteer/Administrator
    2 - 1 - 7 - The Optimist/Improver
    2 - 8 - 7 - The Party Animal/Philanthropist
    2 - 8 - 6 - The Guardian
    2 - 8 - 5 - The 'Influential/powerful person'

    I'm 4w3-7w6-9w1 and the Escapist fits perfectly and so does The Gentle Spirit (gentle is the first word people use to describe me, I don't feel so inside).

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post

    I'm 4w3-7w6-9w1 and the Escapist fits perfectly and so does The Gentle Spirit (gentle is the first word people use to describe me, I don't feel so inside).
    I'm 4-7-9 too and I relate.
    Speaking from experience, I think there are a lot of cool/ good things about being this tritype though, once you're somewhat healthy and can stay in the real world long enough to see it clearly and do real stuff (1-5-3!) Also, I think despite the outward over-estimation of sweetness and inward narcissism/frustration/violence there's a lot of genuine good will in that combo, but not the pushy kind.

    Less healthy is uncool though, it feels like reality is far away and I feel a huge sense of shame about not being able to access it, like it makes me less of a person. Am flaky, incompetent, and there's only so much you can solve with charm.

    I feel that it's a type that benefits from reality checks and emotional support, I wonder if you agree (although maybe that's type four.)

    but I've always secretly liked it a bit whenever someone called me magical or dream-like which actually a lot of people have...

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    wow, I could totally write your post word by word. It's funny how whenever I read posts of people who are 4-7-9 it's like reading my own thoughts I agree that it's not a bad tritype to have, I mean we're masters of first impressions and likeability - we're diplomatic, kind, playful, open - minded, quirky, witty and we have a very calming presence.We can get out of a lot sticky situations if we turn the charm up.

    But just like you said, I sometimes feel like a phony, cause people overastimate the sweetnes and don't see the narcissism, elitism, rebeliousness and built up frustration inside. It's very difficult to dissapoint people later on when we have already made such a good impression. Hence I have real problems with showing anger, sadness, or any negative feelings . And when I do express them, it's somehow received way worse than when other people do. In this regard 4-7-9 feels like split personality ( although that's also from 4w3 I think)

    I also have a lot of problems at work which could be related to my tritype . While everybody likes me, they don't take me seriously (I think 4-7-9 comes off very casual and un-bussiness-like) and my voice is often overheard even if I know what I'm talking about. I have to rely on my charm and emotional manipulation in order to get somewhere (I have a very corporate job which I'm not "a natural" at) and I feel shitty afterwards. And as you said, there IS a lot of genuine good will in 4-7-9, especially when healthy.

    Unhealthy sucks. I'm not feeling particularly healthy at the moment and I live in some alternative cosmos, in magic land. I procrastinate all day, escaping the reality of everyday life which seems so mundane compared to my imagination. I'm very incompetent at work, because I'm bored out of my mind by it already and I don't even bother to try. The smallest responsibility freaks me out and I feel like the world is limiting my freedom and I have the right to do whatever the fuck I want. Very childlish and irresposible really. Maybe we're some sort of eternal children. The 7 fix also causes soo much trouble, the grass is always greener. I get depressed if nothing new and exciting is on the horizon.

    Yes, we desperately need reality checks on a daily basis as we're masters of magical thinking that things will just solve themselves somehow. We need people around us who know how to motivate and support us and help us achieve our goals, get us moving.

    If you're in the mood to read, I think this description is spot on :

    and yes, I secretly adore my fairy ass too

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    I can relate to so much of that!!

    I have always had trouble being taken seriously too (especially by people who like me)- I play sort of the "adorable but flighty" role but not that of an expert or someone others can rely on, even though I think I am pretty smart (although very Te-PoLR lol). People with similar intellectual interests to mine sometimes demean me (although I think it has to do with gender roles, and also the insecurities of intuitive type males.) The only time I was really taken seriously was in grad school, I think, where despite my overall eccentricity and "floatiness" people took my contributions pretty seriously in class.

    I really, really understand the whole "falling into magic land." I think the natural escapism is compounded by being sp-last.

    And yes to thinking that problems will somehow just solve themselves. This is a *huge* problem of mine. I also have the tendency to secretly think that things that are impossible are actually possible, which is a weird juxtaposition to my really pessimistic SEI nature- it's like I know they won't work but I still think they will. It's really these aspects of my personality that scare me the most, and which I try to keep in check! I want to become that person that can motivate and support myself, get me going, since my standards for a partner are specific and high and I've reached a point in my life experiences where I simply think it's better to not rely on/ hope for idealized outside support.

    I have read that article actually. For me, as an so-first 4w5, my social skills are often quite poor so I don't totally agree with that part. But there's a lot that I can relate to in it. I do think I can feel like one of the wishy-washier fours normally and despite my toughness there also is a bit of the "world is too scary/ just don't want to deal." It seems to be a tritype that can feel more of its true force when it manages to clamp down, create structure, and focus a bit (and when it finds reality more interesting than fantasy, just b/c reality is real and therefore more vivid.) And learn how to handle shit. I think it can be quite a powerful type, unleashed, and that the skills it takes to get there are buildable.

    Anyway, hope things feel better... In the end, fairyness trumps all.

    PS- I have actually literally been described as "fairy-like"! Although my favorite is still "adorable yet tortured." Or maybe, "Luna Lovegood with the good bits of Hermione..."

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    wow, I could totally write your post word by word. It's funny how whenever I read posts of people who are 4-7-9 it's like reading my own thoughts I agree that it's not a bad tritype to have, I mean we're masters of first impressions and likeability - we're diplomatic, kind, playful, open - minded, quirky, witty and we have a very calming presence.We can get out of a lot sticky situations if we turn the charm up.

    But just like you said, I sometimes feel like a phony, cause people overastimate the sweetnes and don't see the narcissism, elitism, rebeliousness and built up frustration inside. It's very difficult to dissapoint people later on when we have already made such a good impression. Hence I have real problems with showing anger, sadness, or any negative feelings . And when I do express them, it's somehow received way worse than when other people do. In this regard 4-7-9 feels like split personality ( although that's also from 4w3 I think)

    I also have a lot of problems at work which could be related to my tritype . While everybody likes me, they don't take me seriously (I think 4-7-9 comes off very casual and un-bussiness-like) and my voice is often overheard even if I know what I'm talking about. I have to rely on my charm and emotional manipulation in order to get somewhere (I have a very corporate job which I'm not "a natural" at) and I feel shitty afterwards. And as you said, there IS a lot of genuine good will in 4-7-9, especially when healthy.

    Unhealthy sucks. I'm not feeling particularly healthy at the moment and I live in some alternative cosmos, in magic land. I procrastinate all day, escaping the reality of everyday life which seems so mundane compared to my imagination. I'm very incompetent at work, because I'm bored out of my mind by it already and I don't even bother to try. The smallest responsibility freaks me out and I feel like the world is limiting my freedom and I have the right to do whatever the fuck I want. Very childlish and irresposible really. Maybe we're some sort of eternal children. The 7 fix also causes soo much trouble, the grass is always greener. I get depressed if nothing new and exciting is on the horizon.

    Yes, we desperately need reality checks on a daily basis as we're masters of magical thinking that things will just solve themselves somehow. We need people around us who know how to motivate and support us and help us achieve our goals, get us moving.

    If you're in the mood to read, I think this description is spot on :

    and yes, I secretly adore my fairy ass too
    This describes almost all of the IxFx girls that I've met. I thought that these are traits of sincere communication style I saw something about on this website, or is the 479 tritype very common among IxFx girls?

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    Default woofie's garage: wild mashup of Enneagram and classical elements

    My last post had me making a shit tons of correllations and dichotomizations, and it gave me a newfound appreciation for finding that optimal point at the intersection of concision and accuracy to land a one-word label on a complex concept. Exact/loose for proximity to, versus distance from Heart triad; alarm/sleep for proximity to, versus distance from Head triad; these dichotomizations borne from trichotomizations were nice, but I wanna do more. Overlaying a system of four on top of a system of nine is my next step. I've already brushed up against combinations of Enneagram material and tarot material, and I've already rotated the Enneagram itself to an extent. Furthermore, I've already looked into going through the Thoth tarot's suits in a descending numerical order, up the Tree of Life, the same way the hierarchial system of the Order of the Golden Dawn had their members progress through the ranks. Doing this means that the "Failure" in the Seven of Disks would lead to the "Success" in the Six of Disks; that the "Valour" of the Seven of Wands would lead to the "Victory" of the Six of Wands; other examples exist, but are less obvious, like the progression from Worry to Power.

    I have tried, in various ways, to work this sort of progression around the circle of the Enneagram. I found this to be a terrible approach. I then remembered the difference between the top and the bottom of the Enneagram. Bright/dark for top versus bottom felt insufficient. There is a certain type of "density" I have found at the top of the Enneagram, oftentimes especially apparent in musical expression. Assigning the classical element of Earth to the top of the Enneagram makes perfect sense. Air must be diametrically opposed to Earth, and assigning it thusly to the Enneagram at the midpoint between 4 and 5 works better than I would first suspect. Putting Air with 6 would be my first impulse, but no, there's more than just that going on over there, and when Air's suit of Swords is taken into account, among various other things I'm currently having a hard time putting into words, the 4.5 midpoint just feels right for Air.

    It's gotta be said now though. Why the fuck is Earth on the top while Air is on the bottom?

    Aaahhh. That's better.

    In the last post, I found that each Enneagram number was separated by each adjacent number by 40 degrees. Far left and far right of the Enneagram will be at 90 degrees and 270 degrees, so 2.25 and 6.75 respectively, which would be exclusively within the realms of 2w3 and 7w6. The obvious elements to assign to these two positions would be Water and Fire.

    Putting 9 at the bottom, and the union of 4w5 and 5w4 at the top, makes the Enneagram like a huge basin with its arms reached to the infinite sky. Equidistant between the fullest concentration of the elements would be the positions at 1.125, 3.375., 5.625, and 7.875. 1w2, 3w4, 6w5, and 8w7. Working backwards through these, for me at least, would be working in order of ascending difficulty. The union of Earth and Fire would be magma. A clockwise rotation towards Earth, through 8w9, to 9w8, would result in heat being traded for heft, firepower traded for immovability. As for the union of Fire and Air, a close fit would be electricity. A counterclockwise rotation from 8w7, through all of 7, exhausting all supply of Earth at 7w6 in favor of undiluted Fire, getting more and more angular and sharp while passing through 6, would have us resting at a sort of supercircuitry at 5w6. From there, travelling upwards, the electricity would grow sparser, more diffuse, eventually revealing itself only as ionization in an Air that becomes more and more exclusively comprised of all of those spaces between all that has ever been known until the ultimate 5w4/4w5 union point is met at last.

    Descending from the furthest reaches of the cosmos itself, the Air slowly moves from the otherworldly to the more organic through the midpoint of 4, the atmosphere ever thickening with mist where there once was ionization, becoming tangibly wet at 4w3, and reaching its saturation point at 3w4. Between the maximum humidity point at 3w4 and the pure water at 2w3 exists amorphous mixtures of Air and Water, with less of the former and more of the latter as the counterclockwise journey is made. Carbonated water would be at 3w2. The water runs clear at 2w3, and as the gases become less soluble in the water, the solids take their place. Silt and microscopic life fill the water at the depths of 2w1, and the water turns to mud at 1w2, mirroring the magma at 8w7, and as the magma cooled into igneous rock that became part of an all-encompassing Earth on the right side of the Enneagram, so does the mud solidify into sedimentary rock that becomes integrated into the Earth on the left side of the Enneagram.

    Holy crap, I'm gonna go get some sleep now
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nevero View Post
    This describes almost all of the IxFx girls that I've met. I thought that these are traits of sincere communication style I saw something about on this website, or is the 479 tritype very common among IxFx girls?
    My friend is 4-5-1 IEI and has a much more serious, sullen and snarky demenour, she doesn't have the lightness to her. She also seems more competent and self-assured. 479, 749, 947 is in general probably not that uncommon, but I can't think of a single girl IRL I would type 479 and I know a bunch of IxFx girls. Most of them have 2 or 6 somewhere in their tritype. I think for me, the 7 makes the biggest difference - I score very highly on 7 (9 and 7 are my second and third highest scores and are more or less tied), so I'm much more restless and adventorous than other IxFx girls I know.

    IxFx girls in comparison to other types probably always seem more gentle, but I certainly wouldn't describe most of them as escapist, flighty or quirky.

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    693 (3w4) or 694 (4w3).

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    My friend is 4-5-1 IEI and has a much more serious, sullen and snarky demenour, she doesn't have the lightness to her. She also seems more competent and self-assured. 479, 749, 947 is in general probably not that uncommon, but I can't think of a single girl IRL I would type 479 and I know a bunch of IxFx girls. Most of them have 2 or 6 somewhere in their tritype. I think for me, the 7 makes the biggest difference - I score very highly on 7 (9 and 7 are my second and third highest scores and are more or less tied), so I'm much more restless and adventorous than other IxFx girls I know.

    IxFx girls in comparison to other types probably always seem more gentle, but I certainly wouldn't describe most of them as escapist, flighty or quirky.
    Whoooh! I knew/know a girl who's gotta be Fi-ESI 1w9 154 sp/sx, and yes on all that. Coincidentally, that's the same Enneagram stuff down to the tritype permutation and the stacking as I got for King Crimson's* very own Robert Fripp, who in Socionics I have as Ne-LII:

    *King Crimson's "20th Century Schizoid Man" is sampled on Kanye West's song "Power"
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    I'm probably 9-5-4 but the details of these tritypes are patchy...

    For the 9-5-4 there are elements that may be flatly inconsistent with how I am.

    I did a tritype test and didn't really understand it but I got 1w2 first, 5w4 second, and 4w5 third, which suggests that 1-2-5 or 1-5-2 might work. If 1w2 is supposed to be my actual enneagram type it goes against what I currently think (9w1) but maybe the tritype has something in it nonetheless.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    My friend is 4-5-1 IEI and has a much more serious, sullen and snarky demenour, she doesn't have the lightness to her
    I thought most IEI's were dark/serious/sullen/blah blah.

    I think ni subtype is normally that way, and fe subtype more light/flakey/superficial.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Man From Nantucket View Post
    Interesting that definitely fits me, my instinctual triad is last, sometimes I feel like an 8w9 (relate to the description), except instead of actually acting on my instincts, I tend to go through a long period of thinking and intellectualizing obsessively to be very close to absolutely sure, then I act on them. Only in critical situations do I ever feel I tend to exhibit 8-ness, when it's obvious their isn't time to think things through, otherwise I tend to just retreat into my head.
    Maybe you should just switch your mind off then.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    Unhealthy sucks. I'm not feeling particularly healthy at the moment and I live in some alternative cosmos, in magic land. I procrastinate all day, escaping the reality of everyday life which seems so mundane compared to my imagination. I'm very incompetent at work, because I'm bored out of my mind by it already and I don't even bother to try. The smallest responsibility freaks me out and I feel like the world is limiting my freedom and I have the right to do whatever the fuck I want. Very childlish and irresposible really. Maybe we're some sort of eternal children. The 7 fix also causes soo much trouble, the grass is always greener. I get depressed if nothing new and exciting is on the horizon.
    So what's healthy?

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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    I thought most IEI's were dark/serious/sullen/blah blah.

    I think ni subtype is normally that way, and fe subtype more light/flakey/superficial.
    I score 0 on the subtype so a balance of both, maybe. Still not sure what that means.

    I just found this site and I liked the breakdowns. It may have been posted before. I dunno.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    So what's healthy?

    Levels of health and the golden rule:

    So far, this article has described average types, but the directional theory can also explain the types at healthy or unhealthy levels. When healthy, the "power-seeking", "ideal-seeking", and "approval-seeking" types are more accurately called "empowering", "inspiring", and "approving". In other words, healthier types are more able to give to others and follow the classic golden rule: "do unto others what you would have them do unto you". Hence, the healthy 8 becomes the "leader" because they empower others, lifting them up to help them use their own strength. The healthy 3 becomes the "motivator" not by seeking approval, but by approving and encouraging the impressive qualities they see in others. The healthy 1 not only pursues their inner inspirations, but also inspires others with the justness and virtue of their cause. Conversely, unhealthy types do the opposite; they jealously take away from others what they wanted to have themselves.

    In summary, a directional Enneagram theory has been developed which defines the 9 types using two triads that both have a Hornevian against-away-toward structure. This theory is symmetric and elegant, defines the 9 types from first principles, and also explains most of the lines of integration. Furthermore, it links the Enneagram to basic psychological concepts of emotion and motivation. Hence, this theory may provide new insights into the underlying structure of the Enneagram, as well as possibilities for better integrating this system with other areas of psychology.

    I consider myself pretty damn healthy but I have my "bad" days.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

    I consider myself pretty damn healthy but I have my "bad" days.
    That's generic. I'm looking for specific.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    That's generic. I'm looking for specific.
    At my best I feel strong and inspired which makes me want to inspire others and it is a great big circle jerk of wonderful inspiration and even on my bad days I can see clearly what I am doing but sometimes I want to brood and I accept that about myself so I think that is healthy. I know when enough is enough. I believe self awareness is very important to "health". Knowing what you are doing and why you are doing it. More to come as I sort it out in my head...probably

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    At my best I feel strong and inspired which makes me want to inspire others and it is a great big circle jerk of wonderful inspiration and even on my bad days I can see clearly what I am doing but sometimes I want to brood and I accept that about myself so I think that is healthy. I know when enough is enough. I believe self awareness is very important to "health". Knowing what you are doing and why you are doing it. More to come as I sort it out in my head...probably
    so you're a circle jerker?

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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    so you're a circle jerker?
    By this definition, at times, yes.

    "“Circle Jerk” is a slang term referring to the positive feedback loop that can occur when ideas and beliefs are reinforced within a group or subculture’s enclosed space. The phenomenon is typically observed on websites that consists of self-contained forums for specific interests or subcultures."

    Edit: Now that I think about it this perfectly describes my dream last night. I like being in the inspiration loop when people feed off each other's is creative. Even sharing in the videos you posted yesterday I felt inspired and EMPOWERED.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I hate to admit it but after watching that video you posted I can see how "Charles" and I hold similar belief system...
    He may be a 459 or some combo of those numbers.


    4 - 9 - 5 - The Enigma

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    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    Whoooh! I knew/know a girl who's gotta be Fi-ESI 1w9 154 sp/sx, and yes on all that. Coincidentally, that's the same Enneagram stuff down to the tritype permutation and the stacking as I got for King Crimson's* very own Robert Fripp, who in Socionics I have as Ne-LII:
    lol, I have a guy friend who is 514 sp/sx Ne-LII, really cool guy but can be a real nihilistic downer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    I thought most IEI's were dark/serious/sullen/blah blah.

    I think ni subtype is normally that way, and fe subtype more light/flakey/superficial.
    Yeah, I type my friend Ni-IEI. Well compared to, for example, SEEs and ESEs, they definitely are dark and serious, even the fe subtype. There's always a lot of darkness, sadness and disturbance right under the (bubbly) surface. The superficiality is only skin deep, if that makes sense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    So what's healthy?
    The opposite of me? All I know is that I need to get out of my head and get.stuff.done. And not wait for prince charming to save me, but that's a whole different delusion. But seriously, I think that's pretty average health E4 stuff, unhealthy levels are scarier. Healthy IEIs are probably really inspired, creative, productive, compassionate and down to earth...

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    The opposite of me? All I know is that I need to get out of my head and get.stuff.done. And not wait for prince charming to save me, but that's a whole different delusion. But seriously, I think that's pretty average health E4 stuff, unhealthy levels are scarier. Healthy IEIs are probably really inspired, creative, productive, compassionate and down to earth...
    isnt' that just normal 4 envy? can 4's be envious of themselves?

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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    isnt' that just normal 4 envy? can 4's be envious of themselves?
    I've noticed I'm definitely most envious of other female 4's IRL. And my (platonic) girl crushes are almost all 4's. But that's probably not what you were asking

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    My feelings around female 4's feel more like some kind of sisterhood or ancient secret society. hahah My girl crushes are usually on 8's and they are not always platonic crushes but I don't try to make it reality. They are also the type that I allow to put me in my place without much argument since I admire their spirit or maybe I feel this way because one of my best female friends was an 8 and I alternated between crushing on her and wanting to crush her. She knew how to push my buttons and even made me cry a few times because I felt like I disappointed her. I am pretty sure she was SLE, sadly she's dead now.


    Type Eight: The Challenger
    Level 1: The Magnanimous Heart
    Level 2: The Self-Confident Person
    Level 3: The Constructive Leader
    Level 4: The Enterprising Adventurer
    Level 5: The Dominating Power Broker
    Level 6: The Confrontational Adversary
    Level 7: The Ruthless Outlaw (Antisocial Personality Disorder)
    Level 8: The Omnipotent Megalomanic
    Level 9: The Violent Destroyer

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I got 649 SP/SX ( but i fit SX/SP more )

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    I think that I am a 1-3-5. I used to think that 1-3-6 would fit. I have considered 1-4-5 and 1-4-6.

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    tritype fits very well for me because each type seems to present in an equally decreasing degree
    but i think there may be different degrees for other people. for example the first two are strong, almost rivaling each other, and the last one weaker. or a very strong core with the last two relatively weak.
    --> feel tritype doesn't fit them and therefore is invalid // typing troubles

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    Has anyone noticed any tritype patterns in their families? (Sharing a similar tritype to a sibling or parent) By similar I mean having 2/3 same numbers.

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    I am 469. Tripple doubting seems as an perfect explanation why I doubt pretty much every of my typings across MBTI, Socionics and Enneagram - except this one :-D

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