So I'm not the only synesthete that exists! Interesting color preferences, Slava, but wait until you hear mine.

We'll start with numbers. The digits 0-9 have distinct colors, and numbers after that are just combinations of colors corresponding to the individual digits:

0 - clear
1 - white
2 - yellow
3 - sky blue
4 - red and sky blue mix
5 - bluish silver
6 - orange-red
7 - green
8 - this one's hard to explain. It's kind of like a translucent green, only there's a certain three-dimensional quality to it, like green-clouded glass.
9 - bright red
10 - hay yellow (this is the only two-digit number that has a distinct color.)

I have distinct colors for the alphabet also, but I want to get to colors of the types. If you guys want to hear about them, just ask.

Ok, type colors:

ISTj - yellow-orange
ISTp - yellow/black
ISFj - green-yellow
ISFp - yellow
INTj - red
INTp - red/purple
INFj - dark green
INFp - dark green/purple
ESTj - orange-red
ESTp - yellow
ESFj - yellow
ESFp - yellow-orange
ENTj - green/clear
ENTp - light green
ENFj - red/purple/green
ENFp - blue/green/red/purple (the most complex and my favorite, strangely enough)

How do you like my synesthesia?