Quote Originally Posted by 07490 View Post
Generally, I don't think it's a good idea to base socionics 's type attitude with Ennegaram type. I know people here have said EIE with Fe ego can mostly likely be two, or ISFj with Se ego describe an eight, and so far. But I have never met any of those types in real life, that's when I think concrete evidences measures up.
Potentially, any Socionics type could equate to any Enneagram type, as they are two separate systems. The same is true with MBTI, Keirsey and any other separate style of Jungian typology, but people have a harder time buying it. :wink: What I'm doing here is equating a given Socionics type with E-types that are likely to correspond to it.

Besides, your initial statement (which if I'm not mistaken was along the lines of "SLEs can't be 6") would be correlating Socionics to Enneagram, no?

As a general rule though, any type that can be 8 can be counter-phobic 6. They're very similar (I actually mistook my counter-phobic cousin for 8w7 once). Incidentally, said cousin is a good real-life example of a Beta ST Six (LSI-Se, 6w7 sp/so), but you don't know her so it doesn't work.