Quote Originally Posted by ishysquishy
Quote Originally Posted by Louise
Quote Originally Posted by Sycophant
"Oh wow, that great... I'm glad I have a microwave now go away you are strange."
fuck you
... I thought Sycophant was responding to Kirana?

Quote Originally Posted by Kirana
oh, society is proud of its NTs, all right. they just don't want to have to associate with them personally, that's all. :wink:

NTs are fine for telling people of our collective achievements as a society, how smart we are as a society, how many ideas we have, etc. but after the displaying exercise, society is uncomfortable with NTs and their ideas.
followed immediately by

Quote Originally Posted by Sycophant
"Oh wow, that great... I'm glad I have a microwave now go away you are strange."
oh well i dont konw
i thought she was commenting that she found my ideas useless and out of place (i'm glad i have a microwave now)