kristiina, although i don't really disagree with the gist of your post, i do vehemently disagree with one bit of it. i can, too, master the basics of a new job quickly! much faster than an average employee. became important in 6 months and indispensable in a year. i still approach it as a systemic exercise in understanding, but dammit i can do that really fast. :wink:

of course, some people do insist that i am INTp, never mind that half of gamma irritates me in real life.

surely it's not realistic to expect everyone to match the type descriptions exactly? it's like taxonomy, the descriptions are like photos. helpful, but not the last word. the functions arrangements and their interactions are the bits that are supposed to really confirm whether you are a certain type or not. but, in my case, the photos match the specimen, so to speak. i've usually tested INTJ in most MBTI tests, once or twice INFJ and INTP, once ENTJ and once ISTJ. i generally test INTj for socionics, and most importantly the rest of it fits too - function order fits me, my interactions with other types, my friends, my family, the types of people who annoy me at work, the types who don't....

there are some people i don't think are INTj, but since i don't know them personally, don't see them offline and all that, i can't be sure. so i won't dictate to them whether they are or not. doing that seems so Se to me - so presumptous and pushy and blinkered.

as for dioklecian's question, i don't think i can pick one. maybe the second one more. but again, i don't see exactly how it can be used as a determining question. if the more taciturn logical subtype INTjs would come in here, maybe they can say whether they might not believe in clairvoyance compared to the intuitive subtypes.