Quote Originally Posted by gugu_ baba
Quote Originally Posted by Dioklecian
Do INTJs identify more with (1) or with (2):

-almost always chooses solitary activities
-prefers to be alone
- that could be related to Ti dominance

(2)-odd beliefs or magical thinking that influences behavior and is inconsistent with subcultural norms (e.g., superstitiousness, belief in clairvoyance, telepathy, or "sixth sense"; in children and adolescents, bizarre fantasies or preoccupations);
-ideas of reference
- that could be related to Ni dominance
So considering such reasoning, INTjs are solitary, INTps are idyosincratic

gugu, i really have to disagree with that logic. if i were to come in and say, ok, let's make a test to tell apart INTj and INTp. i give option 1 and option 2, without explaining why the two options are chosen, whether there should be any correlation or not, whether the correlation means anything real or if they are coincidental or symptomatic of other underlying traits, or why these criteria must tell the two apart. all of 3 people or so answer the question. it doesn't mean anything! door number 3, people, door number 3!!!