Quote Originally Posted by gugu_ baba
mike_INTj: are you left-handed?

I read somewhere left-handed people think in pictures, that's because their right part of the brain is dominant (the creative part)

as for the topic I think I am more solitary than idyiosincratic.
nope. i write (barley) with my right hand, what you can read of it anyway. my typing is barely legible, my handwriting is far worse. i've trained my left hand to do other things.

however in the end, i don't believe in the left and right brain thing. there may be a left side doing the right side thing. but i can't believe those studies. maybe one small piece of brain shares the other side, but that's it.

on tests (and so far i havn't ever had consistent results). i've tested my brain dominance as both left, right and balanced. or balanced with a slight right tendency. the problem is, the test is only as good as the person who made the answers. and since many are assumed, nothing is ever that accurate. questions like, which side of the movie theater to you enter in - left or right - is not a complete question. the answer is, it depends - where did i come in from? and where was the door located. because truthfully, i would rather see the screen straight on then at an angle.

other tests use weird shapes with colors. looking at the explanations left me scratching my head. the reasons why i answered it had nothing to do with their explanation. and their explanation didn't make sense - like how can color shapes be auditory?