Quote Originally Posted by Dioklecian
Quote Originally Posted by Dioklecian
Do INTJs identify more with (1) or with (2):

-almost always chooses solitary activities
-prefers to be alone

(2)-odd beliefs or magical thinking that influences behavior and is inconsistent with subcultural norms (e.g., superstitiousness, belief in clairvoyance, telepathy, or "sixth sense"; in children and adolescents, bizarre fantasies or preoccupations);
-ideas of reference
both i guess. i would rather work alone then depend on someone elses incompetence. and though i don't mind absorbing people every so often, i would rather be alone.

on the thoughts of "magical thinking" i think that's the wrong word, since some of that can happen. and it's a brain thing, not magic, though if i were to exist in anothe time and realm, i think i would make a good wizard.

but i have had premonitions. or feelings that something bad is going to happen. and lately i've been thinking of something, only to have it happen later that day or week. all very specific things. i'm trying to figure out if it's just me, or am i thinking in a certain way and it's being broadcasted - i'm not sure. but it's happening more and more. though usually it's a tv show that i was just thinking about, only to have it there the next day.

i'm not superstitious, otherwise i would have so much bad luck, i would need a dozen 4 leaf clovers, 15 leprachuans, and a few dozen rabbit's feet, minced in a blender to create the world's luckiest shake. too many mirrors, ladders and cats have crossed my path for me to believe.

you would have to define bizzarre fantasies. but yeah i guess so. i think in pictures. when i'm working and i'm relaxing i can dream while awake. and my sleeping dreams are much more wild. as to preoccupations - it all depends on the viewer of said person.