Ok, so here we go.

I'm the calm, introverted type. Very passive. I can actually get along with just about everybody, as I'm not pushy or imposing at all. I'm very shy, until I see no threat by the other party, or they take an interest in me. I'm absent-minded in a way, and I can often get caught in blank stares. I admit, I'm very lazy, and I can't stay on one thing for very long (which makes piano practice near impossible. I'd much rather sit there and play around with my mounds of sheet music.) I am somewhat impulsive, and I'm also obsessive about these impulses (like my obsession with Socionics and the like.) I make decisions about undertaking projects by the productivity of it and my mood at the time, during, and after the project. For example, if someone asks me if I want to go to the grocery store, I estimate the time it will take to make the trip, whether I can get anything out of this, and my current physical state (i.e. do I really feel like it?) I usually never stop to think about obligations (as they can be postponed; they're only relative) or future needs, and this tends to make me a very unprepared person. Strangely enough, I usually don't anticipate future events. I never ever, ever get intuitions about anything, and I can be very skeptical about mysterious happenings. I'm very unhygenic, although somewhat sanitary. I can't eat anything I don't like. People say I'm very rude, uncourteous, and uncaring (which I find highly offensive! Yet I have to admit, they're right.) I don't like spiritualism in the emotional sense, but I do like it in the philosophical sense. I don't like to bring up spiritual, philosophical, abstract points into a conversation, as most people don't seem to like that. I do, however, like to use spiritualism when people want to hear it, and I try to win people over (especially girls) with my spiritual side. I'm a very adventurous person, which got me and my friends into alot of trouble when I was littler. I'm quite aggressive when I need to be, thus I love gym class in school (especially German dodgeball.) I work very, very slowly, paying alot of attention to detail, yet I can also be quite unorganized. I'm a total prude, disliking sexual innuendos and jokes of the like. I also often can't understand wiseguys and their jokes and comments (I know how you INTjs like to be like that.)

On the VI side, I have a very long face with a very long, completely flattened chin. It's kind of triangular, which makes you think, "intuitive!" My cheekbones are flattened in the front and slightly protruding outward to the sides, which gives the top portion of my head a kind of "square" look to it. My mouth is pretty small in width, which means I really have to strain in order to get an adequate smile, thus, I hate smiling (except for the one-sided smile, which seems to work better for me.)

Probably the most important thing for me in any type of relationship is sincerity. Emotional sincerity, especially. This is kind of why I have become disillusioned with ESFps, since they give compliments to you just because they "have to". I actually find alot more satisfaction with ENFps, now that I think about it. I love their almost clueless, jumpy attitude and their absent-mindedness. It seems like ENFps can lighten my mood just by being there.

Get the hint?