Hello to all,

I've got an ILE friend; we work and spend quite a bit of time together.

He's got a house and since he's a little lazy, he asked me to sell it. He also promised to give me some money in the case of selling it. The house is not expensive; it is worth like 8,000.

I announced it in many places and took my friend and some prospective customers to see the house, since he doesn't have a car. I've spent about $120 to date (internet ads, gas, etc.) plus my time offering the house.

One of the prospective customers said he would buy it and set a date (december 20) for payment. I didn't talk for a long time to the customer after I left my friend and him to close the deal.

I asked my friend afterwards about the house and he said that "his wife was dealing with another customer" and he said something in the lines of "she'll probably win the race". I didn't clarify this but I took it as a sign that, in the case that his wife sells the house, he wouldn't give me money.

I thought "well, ok, as long as he gives me a little money to cover my expenses I think it is ok". But recently I received a phone call from the customer, which had my phone because I was the first contact, and told me that he wanted to know if the checks cleared. I called my friend and asked him the very same question. First, I noticed a nervous slip, like if he has gotten caught lying. Then he said that it was his wife who was dealing about it and that he didn't know anything about it.

Thing is, I'm 99% sure my friend is betraying me by selling the house and hiding it with the purpose of saving my part of the deal. We never actually talked about percentage or anything, but he knows I'm in serious debt and promised me enough money to get by, which is like $800.

I just want to know how would you deal with this because I'm thinking about kicking his ass (literally) the next time I see him.