I want to know if the culture you live in will make you more likely to be a certain personality type. Even more specific would it make you more likely to be perceiver than a judger or a intuitive than a sensor.
I feel that it in some way, it does have an effect mainly because of the history of the culture. Now, if someone moves to France from the States, then you will more likely gain traits that are American. Though, someone who has been living in Egypt and all of his/her ancestors were from Egypt, it coulf have an effect. I know the matter is much more complicated, but it is very interesting.
Certain countries like Italy tend to have more intuitives and judgers. Mainly due to its past with Rome. A lot of ideals and morals set up by Italy tend to have this. Their country is so small and they have accomplished so much be cause they of their judging quality. This is all speculation, please don't bash me for it. A lot of innovations have also come from Italy and the Roman Empire trounced others for this reason.
A country like Mexico will tend to have more perceivers. I'm not sure what kind of personality the Aztecs or Mayans had, but they were were most likely intuitive perceivers in my guess. The Spaniards tend to be sensor perceivers due to their conquering nature, so as a result of this their nation has a lot more perceivers. Their country is laid-back and may explain why it is still a third world country. Once again this is all speculation, please don't bash me for it.
The reason I can talk about Mexico and Italy is because I am half Mexican and half Italian.
I've heard that the U.S. tends to have a lot of ISTj's, ESTJ's, ISFj's and ESFJ's and they are known as the backbone of America. For it is hardworking people like them that have made America strong and economically powerful.
So, my question is does culture have an impact on the personality type you are? On a more touchy matter, does race have an impact on personality type as well? I think it is more cultural personally for personality, since with race it kind of has to do a lot with what the ancestors did a lot of and that is what their talents will have a higher chance of being. All of this is speculation, you are all welcome to introduce your won theories and comment on mine. Thank You.