Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
Yeah, he was extremely clingy. I mean, I couldn't even go out with friends without him claiming i was "abandoning" him...but that's an entirely different story right there. I think the misunderstandings were just do to our complete opposite way of processing information. He really took my high level of introversion as me being uninterested and bitchy when that wasn't the case at all. I'd imagine this relation would be much harder between two introverts. I could tell the type of woman he needed and it wasn't me. We had more in common than most people but our communication skills were just non existant. I'd say something and he'd complain i was too blunt or not caring enough. Matter of fact, all his complaining seemed to revolve around how "passive" he thought i was. It was basically walking on egg shells the entire time. When it was good, it was amazing but when it was bad...my god, it was bad.
yeah, I can see not wanting to be with someone who's as passive as I am (or, horrors, even more passive). this friend I have who is either SLI or SEI is very passive. It's funny cause I think he expects me to start every single conversation. So we both stand there, neither of us talking, both of us wanting to talk and then walking away from it thinking that the other one doesn't really even want to be friends anymore or whatever. It's truly ridiculous. Our friendship only works when I feel like I have the freedom to approach him and play the extravert. Unfortunately, that freedom is gone at the moment. But anyway, I can sort of see how a superego thing would work. I mean, and how it would be difficult.