This is the same guy you've talked about before, yah? (c:

I'm not sure about the moody thing ... I mean, i guess I'm moody, but I wouldn't come across as angry to someone unless I was angry at the person. If I was just generally in a bad mood, I would probably just come across as having less energy and being sort of low-key. I would feel uncomfortable to think that any mood I happened to be in affected someone in a negative way (when they've done nothing to deserve it). Unless by being 'angry', he's trying to get a point across to you ... Idk. What you said about him being observant when you're upset - ime, SLIs are very observant when it comes to any physical signs of distress ... but they can be oblivious if your distress isn't shown in a tangible fashion i.e. if you're joking about something that upsets you, then they'll assume you're not much affected by it. Just what I've noticed.