This is one thing I've read about Ti:

"The individual views reality through the lens of logic, immediately recognizing the correctness and appropriateness of things and their proper place in reality and in his system of views and behavior."

What's interesting about this is that it is exactly the opposite of the way I feel. I've found that if I am "immediately aware of the correctness of an idea", then I probably haven't given it enough consideration; the more that I consider an idea, the more that I realize how complex the situation really is, and how hard it is to draw any conclusion at all. For this reason, I think am rarely aware of how correct an idea is. To take a line from Socrates, a wise person is aware of how ignorant they are. This doesn't mean that I think that Ti types who adhere to the above are unwise, as I actually believe the opposite. I just think that there are different styles of Ti, or maybe I'm not a Ti-leading type at all...
