Family meetings are a great source of info about people, especially if you find someone who loves telling family stories/etc... I just got back from a visit with one such person.

An old family member, an EIE, decided to tell me a bunch of stories about the family - I'll try to remember some things.

  • EIE and SLE: Her brother? Or something similar, cousin to the EIE - is an SLE. And apparently an E8. He's generally rather selfish and has a tendency to dominate situations he's in. He doesn't care much about what other people think of him, and he has a legendary reputation at work as being a hardass boss that gets tons of stuff done, and nobody likes. She spoke of him with a mix of admiration and also some ethical feeling of "he needs a little correction ethically...".
    • I've heard a few other stories about him, and as well as met him in person. Compared to the other SLE 8 I mentioned in an earlier post, I like this one better. The first SLE is more towards 8w7, and perhaps even 7w8, but probably 8w7, and is more into making jokes (about other people) and generating . That being said, I think he might be irrational subtype, the 8w7. The SLE I introduced into this post seems much more 8w9 - his presence is much calmer, although dominating. I've been to his house, and we get along fairly well. Compared to the 8w7, he's more mature, imo, and less trying to make cheap jokes about other people. An SEI in the family thinks we are similar in some respects - mostly the "don't put up with shit from other people" ways, according to the SEI (who admires that in the SLE, as it's something he generally doesn't have). The 8w9 SLE, compered to the other, 8w7 SLE, is more self-centered in terms of his actions (he gives cheap, terrible gifts and hordes money for himself, spends nothing on " things" ((explained later))). The 8w7 makes fun of people more so, but is generally more magnanimous, believe it or not - but perhaps this is partially because the 8w7 has children and a family, where as the 8w9 is a perpetual bachelor and somewhat more of a womanizer. The 8w9 makes no efforts in joking with people, unless he points out tiny things that are amusing - compared to the 8w7 who actively seeks to make people laugh, though in a very Se+Fe "look at this person's stupidity" sort of way.
    • Cheap. Apparently he is fairly well off, but this SLE 8w9 gives the lowest quality gifsts I've ever seen. He gave me an extremely old (5+) years radio & batteries gift... it was still in it's original packaging, and it seemed very much like a "regift". He recently gave a jacket to someone he openly likes and thinks highly of, but it looked like a jacket that you'd give to a obese 16 year old girl, and not an adult man. The EIE made several comments about his cheapness and shrewdness. I went to this SLE's house a few times, and, it was always "decent", but not really cared for. Things weren't sloppy, but... there was just not "Si" in the house, imo. It reminds me very much of the house of two other LSI's I know - not very bright, and not "dirty", but just not "clean"; not detrimental, but just not comfortable.
    • "Womanizer". In his earlier days, he'd go around and get women every weekend. He has a legendary reputation for getting all sorts of women. He never married and has girlfriends to this day. Consider how you read of "vast physical appetites" on E8 profiles.

  • A photograph of the EIE's parents. The photograph was of the EIE's mother and father: the father had the arms around the mother, in a supportive way - and this caught the EIE's eye, which lead into a long story about how, in every picture of her parents, her father would always be close to, and hold, her mother "protectively", as the EIE said. From all accounts of the father, he is definitely ST, and I'd say ESTj is very likely (His occupation, his relation to other people, his nature) (Possibly ESFj, but, I can't tell based on my memory and the EIE's nature of associating positive things about people with Fe). From what I remember of the two, they could have been delta rational duals. She noted disappointment in her own husband in this way (ILI), saying he was always distant and never really around her during photos. You can see how an EIE here would like someone more physically confident, and particularly her "expecting" her dual.

There's more but that's all I can remember right now.