Quote Originally Posted by UDP View Post
This isn't necessarily related to only deltas, but, it's something we could talk about. Basically, post things that you see as being socioincally relevant - or instances in real conversation/interaction where you think socionics comes through in a clear way. There are some moments where I say "wow, this really exemplifies...." - do you have the same? I've been thinking about making a thread like this for a while, and some things from today finally led to it happening.

Holiday gatherings may yield some quotes, like they did for me, today.

A Family Gathering:

The SLE of the family is known as the trouble maker. He tickles kids and swears. He's very good natured, but he's definitely dominant and likes to influence other people.

I noticed for the first time a growing affinity from the SLE, who is an older 40+ uncle in the faimly, and an EIE who is in middle school now- the SLE's nephew. There was a very Beta moment at one point - the EIE was remarking about how he didn't like much of his family (playfully) ((also - most of his family is alpha/delta)). He said, jokingly, that he would disown everyone -- everyone but the SLE, who was "cool". The SLE and EIE have known each other for along time, but this was the first time - the first family gathering - where the EIE seemed overtly drawn to the very strong of the SLE; it was interesting to see.

Later on, the same EIE was commenting about one of his other cousins. The daughter of the SLE happens, actually, to be EII. (She's EII 9w1, and until the last few years has been extremely shy and rarely spoke, even though she's now in elementary school). I don't remember what, but, the EIE made a remark about the EII in passing: "I don't like her, she doesn't talk to me, doesn't smile at me, and doesn't let me hug her. She's not nice to me". The EIE was definitely making remarks about the EII not valuing his , not being receptive to it. Keep in mind, these were sort of just passing remarks, and not meant to be hurting, just a rather honest reaction ((which is good to look for in typing people)). Remembering, perhaps, I think someone told the EIE to sit next to an EII for a photo, or something of that nature, and so this led to his response - a declaration of why he didn't want to sit next to the EII.

I engaged in some discussion of current events with an LSE later on, and some other events of the evening were taking place - hectic things, some family drama. The quote stuck in my head of his is: "That's why I just try to keep my life boring". This LSE is a Te subtype 1w9 sp. He kind of exemplifies, in his life, a very "conservative" lifestyle - in terms of the choice of his spouse (an ESI he knew growing up, which was an obvious and safe choice), and his lifestyle and occupation. Anyhow, his remark about keeping his life boring was one version of being an LSE, and I thought his own words captured very well his general persona - which is extremely "safe". He takes risks, and he's still capable of kicking ass, but, he's very content with a small town way of life, and his family. During a somewhat tumultuous situation that night (family member in a hospital), he spent time reassuring people. Later (rather boringly, to most, I assume), he explained some of the new features in his home - how the unorthodox fireplace works, and his now robot vacuum cleaner.
I read the whole thing and i think you are a very understanding and a well thinking guy inside your head. maybe that's why they always refer UDP with charisma.