Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
That's typical NT style sarcasm to me. Was it meant as banter?

I'd say such statements as banter or dispute; but I'm usually empathetic enough to hurt people emotional deliberately.
...but when I'm in bad mood... ... then I can be mean.
I thought the LII's comment was both creative and funny. The messes that Ni-doms can make (me, included) can be truly staggering, because they (we) don't actually "see" the mess. The focus is on the ethereal, not on what's in front of them.

As for LII's being mean, I've seen them trying to be mean but they seem to fail dismally at that. From my standpoint, they just end up being funny. Maybe it's an Extinguishment thing; we can't really affect each another in any significant way.