Quote Originally Posted by UDP View Post
[05:46] zzz: morning?
[05:46] xxx: morning
[05:47] xxx: hey
[05:47] zzz: heh whats up?
[05:47] xxx: not much
[05:47] zzz: why are u awake?
[05:49] xxx: thinking
[05:49] xxx: and talking to people
[05:49] zzz: thinking about what?
[05:49] xxx: many things
[05:51] zzz: uh ok
[05:51] xxx: right now I'm having a discussion about sex, actually.
[05:52] zzz: ok ill let u go
[05:52] xxx: ........
[05:52] xxx: why do you interpret what I say as me telling you to go or stay?
[05:53] xxx: You asked me what I was doing, and then I told you
[05:53] zzz: cuz u werent totally forthcoming about it and u didnt ask me anything about it so i interpreted it as u not wanting to talk which i dont think is a strange way to interpret u being vague
[05:54] xxx: I was forthcoming
[05:54] xxx: I told you exactly what was going on.
[05:54] zzz: ok nvm
[05:54] xxx: many things, and then one thing specifically
[05:54] xxx: that discussion
[05:54] zzz: im not offended or nething i just dont like feeling like im in a convo that the other person doesnt wanna be in
[05:56] zzz: im sorry if i missinterpret u
[05:56] zzz: but i just guess sometimes the way u talk makes me feel that way
[05:56] xxx: I understand
[05:57] zzz: well thanks for understanding, ill work on it. i guess i just have a hard time trusting that when people say something...thats all they r saying, im used to deeper/double meanings
zzz sounds like my EII friend