Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
How to correct an ENFp:

ENFp: *peels a mango with a knife*
ISTp: *watches* Hun, you're gonna slice off the end of your finger.
ENFp: Hm. It's not sharp. See? *taps her fingers with the blade*
ISTp: Dull knives are the worst. Unless they're not knives.
ENFp: How should it be done?
ISTp: On a cutting board?
ENFp: Oh. *glances at the cutting board*
ENFp: *continues on as before*
ISTp: *continues eating his eggs*
Reminds me of many SLI interactions. Like there is a standard way of doing things. Like when I was doing my military service and chopping wood in the forest with an axe.
Others: You are going to cut your foot.
Me: **continues** I have my own methods (and never cutting my own [or others] foot).
Reasoning: winter boots had a very long bouncy extension for skies which provided necessary protection even if axe hit my boot.