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Thread: A Good Article

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    jason_m's Avatar
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    Default A Good Article

    I think that what's said here applies not only to personality tests, but to personality typing in general. I notice that a lot of times, people seem to try and act like their personality type, rather than being themselves; you simply cannot expect every ENFp to always be feeling and never be logical. That's why it's a mistake to say that one is or is not a specific type based on one piece of evidence. As I said before, you have to look at the whole picture. And that follows from the fact that the article is right in saying that people are usually a number of types, not just one single type (although one type might predominate).


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    confused84's Avatar
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    I always though of it like this. A feeling person will be prevail better in situations where feeling is needed and a thinking type likewise.

    I am a thinking type that's not to say I don't feel, it simply means that I think better than I feel.

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    I agree and I think the central idea is that we all have a default personality, a natural way of processing information that we gravitate towards. That doesn't mean we can't act or appear in endless different ways depending on other factors.

    But how people act on the outside doesn't really matter as much as the internal, underlying way of looking at things that we come back to when relaxed. That is the foundation of how we are structured, and from there we of course take off in many different directions depending on who we are as people and the choices we make. People of the same type often don't even resemble each other, but when you get down to basics the similarities are there.

    I think of this like someone being left or right handed. They can choose to use the other hand, but they'd more often prefer to say, pick up a pencil with their natural hand. And most of the time that's what they'd do, except for maybe in some situations they'd choose to force themselves to write with the other hand. That's not to say that all lefties appear the same, just that in one narrow area they are similar.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    I agree and I think the central idea is that we all have a default personality, a natural way of processing information that we gravitate towards. That doesn't mean we can't act or appear in endless different ways depending on other factors.

    But how people act on the outside doesn't really matter as much as the internal, underlying way of looking at things that we come back to when relaxed. That is the foundation of how we are structured, and from there we of course take off in many different directions depending on who we are as people and the choices we make. People of the same type often don't even resemble each other, but when you get down to basics the similarities are there.

    I think of this like someone being left or right handed. They can choose to use the other hand, but they'd more often prefer to say, pick up a pencil with their natural hand. And most of the time that's what they'd do, except for maybe in some situations they'd choose to force themselves to write with the other hand. That's not to say that all lefties appear the same, just that in one narrow area they are similar.

    How can I compete with that.

    Well mine was shorter.

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    that articles is clearly written by a beginner who know's shit about personality types.

    yeah i can be any type I want... Look I'm dancing, so now I'm an ESFP, look I'm reading, now I'm an INTP.


    btw what has been written by everybody above is also ridiculous shit. it's nice to speculate and stuff, but keep it to yourself.

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Can we just all agree that 'personality theory' is bullshit created by liberals with too much time on their hands? They should go back to advocating for environmental causes or something.

    The APA is nothing more than a *political* organization advancing progressive causes and trying to get minorities back up on their feet. And I don't mind, since I tend to agree with everything they say. But let's just be realistic here, and call 'psychology' for what it is.

    I have to give them lots of golfclaps though. They were one of the first disciplines to dive their noses headfirst into homosexuality at a time in the world when everybody was all pretty much EEK! A GAY!, and came to the conclusion after many tests that it wasn't an illness, or a disease, etc. They helped correct a lot of Freud's bullshit, and the Stepford Wives' syndrome in the 1950s when everybody was obsessed with 'normal.'

    But psychology is STILL bullshit, no matter how pretty and humanitarian one makes it out to be.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Can we just all agree that 'personality theory' is bullshit created by liberals with too much time on their hands? They should go back to advocating for environmental causes or something.

    The APA is nothing more than a *political* organization advancing progressive causes and trying to get minorities back up on their feet. And I don't mind, since I tend to agree with everything they say. But let's just be realistic here, and call 'psychology' for what it is.

    I have to give them lots of golfclaps though. They were one of the first disciplines to dive their noses headfirst into homosexuality at a time in the world when everybody was all pretty much EEK! A GAY!, and came to the conclusion after many tests that it wasn't an illness, or a disease, etc. They helped correct a lot of Freud's bullshit, and the Stepford Wives' syndrome in the 1950s when everybody was obsessed with 'normal.'

    But psychology is STILL bullshit, no matter how pretty and humanitarian one makes it out to be.

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    Okay then how *isn't* it bullshit?

    Do you have any idea how realistically fucked up the mental health system is? How your instagibbed labelled with something when all you really needed was somebody to listen and understand you perhaps, that you couldn't find elsewhere? Do you know how fucked up that is? Do you know how much a psychologist or social worker or 'helper person' can make your life a living hell if they don't personally like you? Do you know how many weird fucks get in the occupation solely because they like bullying and harassing other people because they can't live their own lives? Are you that naive? Or are you one of them?

    They want it both ways, like most greedy Deltas. They want to act like they're helping outcasts in society while at the same time obeying every politically correct social norm under the sun.

    It was a 'good idea' but in practice it has turned to shit. It needs a huuuuge reform and rehaul.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post

    that articles is clearly written by a beginner who know's shit about personality types.

    yeah i can be any type I want... Look I'm dancing, so now I'm an ESFP, look I'm reading, now I'm an INTP.


    btw what has been written by everybody above is also ridiculous shit. it's nice to speculate and stuff, but keep it to yourself.
    So you actually believe that people act the same way all the time? I'm sorry to tell you, but what you're saying is extremely unreasonable.


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    The difference is actually "being" a type vs. just "acting" like one. We all act like all 16 types in different situations, but our natural approach is our type.
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    The world can alter the expression of your type. There's a difference between behavior and information processing. Now please can we stop this nonsense?

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Okay then how *isn't* it bullshit?

    Do you have any idea how realistically fucked up the mental health system is? How your instagibbed labelled with something when all you really needed was somebody to listen and understand you perhaps, that you couldn't find elsewhere? Do you know how fucked up that is? Do you know how much a psychologist or social worker or 'helper person' can make your life a living hell if they don't personally like you? Do you know how many weird fucks get in the occupation solely because they like bullying and harassing other people because they can't live their own lives? Are you that naive? Or are you one of them?

    They want it both ways, like most greedy Deltas. They want to act like they're helping outcasts in society while at the same time obeying every politically correct social norm under the sun.

    It was a 'good idea' but in practice it has turned to shit. It needs a huuuuge reform and rehaul.
    I don't think personality type theory is bullshit, but I definitely agree there are major problems with the metal health system. I've known several people who have not improved in therapy (after decades), and I wonder if it's because they are good long-term business. Judgmental people should NOT be in the field at all, but it happens all too often. But this isn't a quadra problem, it's not Delta alone, and it is from all quadras -- I've know at least two ENFjs who were very judgmental and harsh and were psychologists -- I feared for their clients. If you think a counselor is doing you ANY harm or you feel judged, you should not work with them. It can do a LOT of damage that can take even longer to un-do than when you showed up in the first place.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    The difference is actually "being" a type vs. just "acting" like one. We all act like all 16 types in different situations, but our natural approach is our type.
    I don't believe that people necessarily have only one natural approach - some people do, but not everyone. How else could people identify strongly with unrelated types such as ENTp and ENTj? How else could an ethical type find a logical activity like mathematics to be natural for them? Also, how could someone's type change if we had only one natural type? I'm sorry, but I don't believe the extremist view that we are only capable of finding one type's behaviour natural to us. In other words, believing that everything in socionics fits neatly together, and we fit our types perfectly. The fact is, we can find the traits of many different types natural to us.


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    Quote Originally Posted by jason_m View Post
    So you actually believe that people act the same way all the time? I'm sorry to tell you, but what you're saying is extremely unreasonable.

    personality type is the same sort of catagorization as gender type.

    You are either man or woman. This doesn't mean a man can't gossip, dance, sing and do ballet, this also doesn't mean a woman can't drink beer, fart, burp and fight in a bar.

    What personality type is all about is how you use information elements (priorities and roles). An INTJ can of course become a boxer and an ESTP can read scientific journals.
    They still do those things in their own INTJ and ESTP way.

    What many beginners seems to misunderstand is that they think you need to be a certain type to perform a certain task. e.g. reading is something only introverts can do. So if I read a book, at that time I'm an introvert. That is nonsense for everybody who understands what types and information processing is all about.


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    well said. I like your example of gender.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    personality type is the same sort of catagorization as gender type.

    You are either man or woman. This doesn't mean a man can't gossip, dance, sing and do ballet, this also doesn't mean a woman can't drink beer, fart, burp and fight in a bar.

    What personality type is all about is how you use information elements (priorities and roles). An INTJ can of course become a boxer and an ESTP can read scientific journals.
    They still do those things in their own INTJ and ESTP way.

    What many beginners seems to misunderstand is that they think you need to be a certain type to perform a certain task. e.g. reading is something only introverts can do. So if I read a book, at that time I'm an introvert. That is nonsense for everybody who understands what types and information processing is all about.

    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

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