I think I might be going through a time that I am changing personalities. Example of what VivPhilos wrote I'm going to describe myself as VivPhilos wrote. I am a girl age 17.


Fav. classes: Art and P.E.
Least fav. classes: U.S. Lit., management, ICPE.
Still in Highschool now a senior(by the way Imoen graduated from highschool this year).

My career choices:
Going to college for being a P.E. teacher in Highschool or Elementary school.
Other choice something with animals.
Long as it don't effect me as being religious.

About hobbies, I have or used to have hobbies like these:
-Spccer my fav. sport but I like to play sports.
-Collect TY beanie babies toys.
-Play computer games like Sim City 3000. TYCOONS games, etc.
-Can't play videogames like Medal of Honor or Halo 2 those games get me dizzy. Like to play Sports games. I don' t really like bloody games.
-Like to collect animals sculpture.
-Like nature, animals.

People I admire:
That a hard one beside my own relatives. My fav. players I cheer for is Mia Hamm for soccer. Dan Marino for football. Patrick Roy for Hockey. My math teacher in High school and my 6th grade teacher. Pretty much people who take the time to really get to know me.

People's (and some of my own) comments:

-Imoen knows me in person so you can ask her. The way I view myself is very queit don't talk to people unless they take the time to get to know me, then I can be a chatter box. I am very moody I can be sad then sudden be happy.
-I have trouble taking comments unseriously. Take it too personal at times.
-Love to help if could just wont help untill being asked for help.
-I guess I have to admit I like to play jokes and pick on my friends.
-Don't like debates at all unless I really view it as a joke or not too serious.
- I am very imaginative also for example like if my mom ask me to get milk I often think she ask me to get eggs. If ask to do a chore I usually don't do it till 3 days later or when I'm in the mood for it, or once in a while the last minute unless it school work.
-People say I'm innocent some describe me.
- Love to daydream
-I don't like rules that limit things I love to do but don't like start a riot or go against the rule maker. I try to get the good side of things not the bad. Also very forgetful.
-I would be a bad person to have as to back people up like of arguments I try to stay out unless I am really confident in things. :wink:
-Definitly abstract random.
-I don't really push my opinions on things.
That pretty much it about me.

-Oh yeah am a very colorful person.