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Thread: Help finding my personality type

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    Default Help finding my personality type

    I'm just curius what personality I have. To describe me I'm quiet around people until I get to know them really well. Hate conflicts, avoids disaggrements as much as possible. Don't like to be the center of attenchin. Have a hard time taking harsh comments. Get along with teachers big time. I am an artist and an athletic. I like animals also nature. I like to read. Like lots of colors. Can't stand just one color. I also have a small group of friends. I'm a reserver. My friends describe me being innocent. Can be organized at some stuff. Last thing. take direction really well most of the time. That pretty much it.

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    Can you give examples of some of harsh comments? Also what did you come out as on tests? (So we can narrow it down ) Also, welcome to the forum taz!

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    Let's do some wierd statistics.

    Chanches are, thet the most avarage newby is INTJ.
    If not, then ENTP.
    INTPs are on fird place
    Fourth are INFPs with ENFPs.

    So, if you're LOgic type, then you are probably INTJ. If you are feeling type, then you are either INFP or ENFP. You sound introverted, so my guess is that youre INFP.

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    Sorry I meant like negative feedbacks, also like people putting me down. Forsure I am a follower. I don't like to be a leader but will if have to. For some test I've taken I forsure am an IS. Thanks Pedero-the-lion .

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    I don't trust those tests so much. Even not the holy Socionics Type Assistant. And we all know the fact , that avarage test has accuracy only to 70-80%. But, if you'd like to try, then D. Lõtovs ''Test IM'' is my sugestion. Just go to ,choose English speaking section and then fint the test. It's not comfortable to do it (though, if you are S, then you should have more patiente to do it, than Ns have), but I trust it the most of all the tests available.

    Some questions.

    Which club you think you belong?SF;NT;ST;NF?
    Which quadra?Alfa,Beta,Gamma,Delta
    Which Communication Stile group (you can find it under the ''General Discussions'' as sticky).
    Which Temperament group (EP;EJ;IP;IJ).

    If you don't know these terms, then look for your self, what they mean. Sites Admin has done a great job to put all this material in here.

    If you don't like this job, when my guess is, that you have Te as Place of Least Resistance, cause ISFPs and INFPs usually don't like to take tasks to run.

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    Default Re: Help finding my personality type

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    To describe me I'm quiet around people until I get to know them really well.

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    Hate conflicts, avoids disaggrements as much as possible.
    Probably means as quadra value not could also be refering to negative manifestations of T behavior and thus be connected to PoLR.
    Si quadra value or / in superego.

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    Don't like to be the center of attenchin.
    I dunno can you explain more?

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    Have a hard time taking harsh comments.
    Weak / most likely.

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    I am an artist...
    Strong F.

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    and an athletic.
    What is athleticism tied to?

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    I like animals also nature.
    Love of nature seems to be an - tranquility thing. Any other observations?

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    I like to read.
    Conscious and/or as quadra value.

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    Like lots of colors. Can't stand just one color.
    Can be a strong S characteristic or a result of the already mentioned artistry. Either strong S or a result of strong F.

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    I also have a small group of friends.

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    I'm a reserver.

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    Can be organized at some stuff.
    Implies disorganized state as normal? "Disorganization" hmm this seems to be a characteristic of those with as a creative function or as a quadra value. Anyone else notice this?

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    take direction really well most of the time.
    We all do with respect to our superid.

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    Sorry I meant like negative feedbacks, also like people putting me down.
    Still ambiguous but sounds like weak T in superego.

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    Forsure I am a follower.
    Seems to be a characteristic of introverts mainly.

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    I don't like to be a leader but will if have to.
    S if necessary... Do INFPs do this?

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    For some test I've taken I forsure am an IS.
    Hmm here's that S again. I know most of the people that come to the forum are N but we can't assume that all people who ever come here will continue to be so.


    IxFP most likely. I lean towards ISFP but the data set is to small to say anything for certain except the strong introversion. Can you give us your Socionics Type Assistant and Multifactor Socionics Questionaire results? (NOTE: You must submit the Multifactor results @ the email address ) Hope that is useful in helping you on the continuing search to KNOW your type.

  7. #7
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help finding my personality type

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    I'm just curius what personality I have. To describe me I'm quiet around people until I get to know them really well. Hate conflicts, avoids disaggrements as much as possible. Don't like to be the center of attenchin. Have a hard time taking harsh comments. Get along with teachers big time. I am an artist and an athletic. I like animals also nature. I like to read. Like lots of colors. Can't stand just one color. I also have a small group of friends. I'm a reserver. My friends describe me being innocent. Can be organized at some stuff. Last thing. take direction really well most of the time. That pretty much it.
    Hi welcome to the forum.

    I dont think this information can really help anyone on here determine your type, despite what Pedore the Lion says. Its too vague and could apply to alot of people. :wink:

    Id suggest taking some tests and showing us the results and maybe than we can narrow it down a bit better.

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    Just curious For ISFP people how do they usualy act as a teenager? Like during school. I heard they don't like to be the center of attenchin.

    Pedro the lion one of the websight you offer Multifactor Socionics Questionaire was in a different language and I'm not sure if there was a way to translate it to english.

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    Type manifest in very different ways. ISFPs can be very very sociable or very very introverted. Adolescence seems to be a time of extremes where we use one function or the other of our dominants and kind of ignore the others. That link is suppossed to go directly to the MT test zip file not to the russian site. I dunno what is going wrong but here is the site in english . Look for the words "Download a zip archive in the upper right hand corner.

    Here is a description of the ISFP type:

    In my personal opinion ISFPs tend to be more extraverted in their high school years than at other times in their lives. I've seen ISFPs range from bookish quiet shy types to more dynamic social butterflies involved in many social organizations. One friend of mine was a semi-stereotypical cheerleader in high school. I've noticed ISFPs tend to have bouts of depression but can become quite lively in a short amount of time when someone pays special attention to them (especially if this person is a romantic interest). To be honest I don't really know what ISFPs think like I can just observe them from the outside so I am probably not capturing the "heart" of an ISFP well at all.

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    Thanks Pedro. The second paragraph almost tell what I act like in school at times. Just one more question. Out of what I discovered about myself which career would be best for me? Because I'm struggling to find a career. Thankyou for you time.

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    I don't believe it is wise to suggest careers baed on type. If you have ambition you can be what you want.

  12. #12
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    "Weak Extraverted Thinking/Introverted Thinking most likely. "

    And what of this?

    "Strong F."

    I believe it is more strongly correlated with extraverted feeling than introverted, as extraverted feeling has to do with how one feels about an object, whereas introverted feeling has to do with how one feels about a subject.

    "Conscious Extraverted Thinking and/or Extraverted Thinking as quadra value."

    I wouldn't say this so certainly; the INFp's hidden agenda, as illustrated by the "INFp Uncovered" on Sergei's site seems to refute this statement at least in the manner that it renders the statement that such an interest is solely exclusive to those with a conscious extraverted thinking function

    "Implies disorganized state as normal? "Disorganization" hmm this seems to be a characteristic of those with Extraverted Thinking as a creative function or Introverted Thinking as a quadra value. Anyone else notice this?"

    No, it depends really.

    "S if necessary... Do INFPs do this? "

    I would believe INFp's do it more often: they experience this sort of "charge" once put ahead of something; the rat and the cheese example illustrates this thoroughly. Although I would believe this is more of an attraction to power then being IN power. In either case, it doesn't seem an ISFp would enjoy to do this at all; they're far too uncertain of their choices to enjoy leading any sort of body.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
    Good point these things tend to be rather nebulous that's why I try to really really qualify my phrases in this type of situation. I said what I did because of the marked introversion and the consequences of that and other things.

    Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
    I believe it is more strongly correlated with extraverted feeling than introverted, as extraverted feeling has to do with how one feels about an object, whereas introverted feeling has to do with how one feels about a subject.
    Fi artists often create for others. I know an INFJ for example that created a beautiful painting for a loved one as a birthday present. The work of art can be the means to the personal end it just depends.

    Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
    I wouldn't say this so certainly; the INFp's hidden agenda, as illustrated by the "INFp Uncovered" on Sergei's site seems to refute this statement at least in the manner that it renders the statement that such an interest is solely exclusive to those with a conscious extraverted thinking function
    I don't take everything Ganin says seriously. For example I don't trust V.I. as the best method for typing individuals. What I have consistently observed is that IxFxs tend to read a lot due to trying to cover up their weakness/trying to get more positive IM flow and because they have more time on their hands due to their introversion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-The-Lion
    Implies disorganized state as normal? "Disorganization" hmm this seems to be a characteristic of those with Extraverted Thinking as a creative function or Introverted Thinking as a quadra value. Anyone else notice this?
    On the above that was NOT me trying to type just me noting an observation that I was trying to corroborate.

    Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
    I would believe INFp's do it more often: they experience this sort of "charge" once put ahead of something; the rat and the cheese example illustrates this thoroughly. Although I would believe this is more of an attraction to power then being IN power. In either case, it doesn't seem an ISFp would enjoy to do this at all; they're far too uncertain of their choices to enjoy leading any sort of body.
    Isn't that just the energetic state of Ps in general? Also, ISFPs can be quite forceful and/or have strong leadership potential it just depends.

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    "I don't take everything Ganin says seriously. For example I don't trust V.I. as the best method for typing individuals. What I have consistently observed is that IxFxs tend to read a lot due to trying to cover up their weakness/trying to get more positive IM flow and because they have more time on their hands due to their introversion. "

    I appologize, I immediately read over to "quadra value" portion of the statement, although I am sceptical as to whether or not an INFj, as this person is more then obviously introverted, with the suggestive function of extraverted thinking, would willingly seek out such stimulation; I was under the impression that such data must be "fed" to them, hence their general non-critical acceptance of new theories.

    "Isn't that just the energetic state of Ps in general?"

    What? Since when do all Ps get an energetic "charge" from being in charge?

    "Also, ISFPs can be quite forceful and/or have strong leadership potential it just depends."

    Really? I've never seen one that behaved as such. The one's I've seen both lack the self-confidence in their intelligence and their ability to make correct decisions to ever be an efficient leader.

    "Fi artists often create for others. I know an INFJ for example that created a beautiful painting for a loved one as a birthday present. The work of art can be the means to the personal end it just depends."

    But to just say "I am an artist..." seems to correlate more strongly with extraverted feeling, hence the over-representation of ENFjs and INFps in artistic scenes, where both usually take the role of elitists. Then again, the correlation to any particular function is weak to begin with.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
    What? Since when do all Ps get an energetic "charge" from being in charge?
    Oh I just meant a charge from their environment not power necessarily.

    Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
    Really? I've never seen one that behaved as such. The one's I've seen both lack the self-confidence in their intelligence and their ability to make correct decisions to ever be an efficient leader.
    I've met effective and confident ISFP middle managers for example. When they do something "productive" with their lives the depression and listlessness seems to fade away.

    Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
    But to just say "I am an artist..." seems to correlate more strongly with extraverted feeling, hence the over-representation of ENFjs and INFps in artistic scenes, where both usually take the role of elitists. Then again, the correlation to any particular function is weak to begin with.
    I'm not sure what the frequency is so no comment but as of yet what I have observed seems to validate your view so maybe it is that way, I dunno.

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    Say, Taz, what would you like to see in this forum in the future, so that you could enjoy our company? I and I think that others beside me, would like to know, what could make this kind of place enjoyable for the rest of the alfa quadra members, ESFjs and ISFps. I for example miss the company of them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kaido21
    Say, Taz, what would you like to see in this forum in the future, so that you could enjoy our company? I and I think that others beside me, would like to know, what could make this kind of place enjoyable for the rest of the alfa quadra members, ESFjs and ISFps. I for example miss the company of them.
    I'm not sure. I'll have to explore this forum somemore cause I haven't got enough time to. I just got interest in this forum for to see what my personality is compared to the myer briggs test I took in High School which I got ISFP like 2 weeks ago. I like to take surveys and play games but I'm not sure yet for this forum untill I do some exploring. But I like to meet others ISFP's. For sure. I don't really like to do debates unless I know the people really well or do feel comfterable.

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    Please, Taz, talk some more that I could learn how to speak English as elegantly as you do not as arrogantly as I seem to speaks so far.

    Ask others to talk about how socionics can improve your life cause this is what socionics is used in practice. Socionics is life stile and by knowing this theory you can live your life more harmoniously than people with out the knowledge of the theory do.

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    To be honest I think most of the topics this forum is something I wouldn't talk about alot neither am I a phycologist either. I usualy get involved more if people ask me questions. I'm not sure how to start out with the question kaiod21 has asked me nor feel comfterable enough to yet, to be honest. If learning english. Some of the words aren't spelled correctly just to let you know that I typed.

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    Heh. What would you talk about? We need more F types talking...

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    Well I like to talk about sports. Like my fav. sport is soccer. Get to know other members too better to feel more welcomed. Just I don't like to ask them questions unless I have lots of energy and feel really talktive. I do like painting, and like animals too. How about you guys? Actually One of the topics been discussing with my friends is about dreams and why we had those certain dreams. I like how this forum is opinion and not a huge debate.

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    Yeah! I know I spell wrong caurse I am not American or English speaker and to tell the truth I talk aufully. But I think my English has become better by the time I have been posting here. And I think that some Intuitives make even when they do know English well those little spelly mistakes.

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    Even though I speak english. My writting is bad my english teacher last year said the sentence is backwards like how they do in spanish I just need to flip the sentence and there complete sentences.

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    Have you been to I find that site is interesting for stuff of dream nature. Just don't take it too seriously. As for me what would you liek to know?

    I like lamps.

  25. #25


    Is there like a file of that if someone is having trouble finding out there personality type or others, there's a file like interview questions they could answer and the people who study personalitys can tell if there ESFP or INFJ (so on) by the way they talk or wrote on this forum?

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    Sorry (forgot to log in) the guest above is me.

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    No problem it happens to all of us. There are actually several but the communication methods are disputed by some people so make of them what you will. Here they are:

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    Sorry I meant for this forum.

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    I'm not sure I understand what you mean then. Could you clarify?

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    Say for example if someone knows there personality is ISxJ but still can't figure it out if there Feeling or thinking. Have like a file in this forum that ask questions to get them to reply and sense there people who are phycologist in this forum can study what there reply is and tell if there feeling or thinking. So on. I hope that helped.

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    They could use the "What's My Type?" board but none of us are professionals.

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    I think I might be going through a time that I am changing personalities. Example of what VivPhilos wrote I'm going to describe myself as VivPhilos wrote. I am a girl age 17.


    Fav. classes: Art and P.E.
    Least fav. classes: U.S. Lit., management, ICPE.
    Still in Highschool now a senior(by the way Imoen graduated from highschool this year).

    My career choices:
    Going to college for being a P.E. teacher in Highschool or Elementary school.
    Other choice something with animals.
    Long as it don't effect me as being religious.

    About hobbies, I have or used to have hobbies like these:
    -Spccer my fav. sport but I like to play sports.
    -Collect TY beanie babies toys.
    -Play computer games like Sim City 3000. TYCOONS games, etc.
    -Can't play videogames like Medal of Honor or Halo 2 those games get me dizzy. Like to play Sports games. I don' t really like bloody games.
    -Like to collect animals sculpture.
    -Like nature, animals.

    People I admire:
    That a hard one beside my own relatives. My fav. players I cheer for is Mia Hamm for soccer. Dan Marino for football. Patrick Roy for Hockey. My math teacher in High school and my 6th grade teacher. Pretty much people who take the time to really get to know me.

    People's (and some of my own) comments:

    -Imoen knows me in person so you can ask her. The way I view myself is very queit don't talk to people unless they take the time to get to know me, then I can be a chatter box. I am very moody I can be sad then sudden be happy.
    -I have trouble taking comments unseriously. Take it too personal at times.
    -Love to help if could just wont help untill being asked for help.
    -I guess I have to admit I like to play jokes and pick on my friends.
    -Don't like debates at all unless I really view it as a joke or not too serious.
    - I am very imaginative also for example like if my mom ask me to get milk I often think she ask me to get eggs. If ask to do a chore I usually don't do it till 3 days later or when I'm in the mood for it, or once in a while the last minute unless it school work.
    -People say I'm innocent some describe me.
    - Love to daydream
    -I don't like rules that limit things I love to do but don't like start a riot or go against the rule maker. I try to get the good side of things not the bad. Also very forgetful.
    -I would be a bad person to have as to back people up like of arguments I try to stay out unless I am really confident in things. :wink:
    -Definitly abstract random.
    -I don't really push my opinions on things.
    That pretty much it about me.

    -Oh yeah am a very colorful person.

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    You sound INFP. That makes me (an entj) your supervisor. Have you done your homework today? Huh???

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    I would still guess ISFP, you do not sound like you would dream of "strong-willed pressure from top down" so if you like ENTPs more than you are ISFP, if you like ESTPs than you are INFP. Very short test, accuracy not guaranteed...
    "Arnie is strong, rightfully angry and wants to kill somebody."

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    I agree you still sound ISFP... why do you want to change your type? If you wish to be more intuitive you can develop those aspects of your personality without necessarily having to "change your type."

    Also remember this post CuriousSoul:

    The S does not always go for the N

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    I ain't trying to change my personality.Also seeing if school has effected the way I act since now it is summer break for me.
    Well I made my brother take a myer brig test he 2 yrs. younger than me and he got ENFP .

    I kinda want to know what personality is this person I described below. He is same age as me. He is hispanic. Skinny body. He's modest. Plays soccer. I say when not in soccer clothes, dress hansome and neat . Very good table manners. Behave like a type that could work in an office(as I would hate that kind of job). Really nice and patient, not loud type person. But also very energetic of playing sports. I Say gets the energy from his dad. Have to admit he cute to me. .Best I could describe him.

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    This describe my youngest brother age 15. I really don't mean to be mean about him but it how he act.

    About half the time I don't get along with him (forgive later). He can be sweet to me as I am his sister :wink: .
    He is very bossy, always beat me when it come to arguments once in awhile very demanding(I can never think of ways to say to say till too late ).
    Fights back very easily especialy with people he known for years. More forceful with his opinions toward/against me and my other brother. Likes to play rough.
    Known as a hidden leader.
    With his friends he values and his mom and dad alot.
    Get from his dad of not very patient when we do things for him. Not good at looking at the good side of things tend to look more on the bad side except with himself or his dad.
    Don't usually do stuff for other people unless people he values greatly.

    Toward people he don't know.
    Don't talk at all. Look very serious, unless you known him for years.
    Really good at sticking up for people he values(once in awhile for me :wink: ).
    Just sit and listen, known at school as never talk a loner, few friends. Example the girls get excite and follow him around if he say one word at school for the day.
    I know he have good comments but won't admit it or say it. :wink:
    But can be fun to play with if we are playing rough against him such as tackle football or games he like.
    Likes sports such as hockey and lacross. Very competitve.
    Don't like to lose to me, when so get irritated and won't admit he lost to a girl or encourage that I won(admit not very often I win against my brother) :wink: . hehe.
    He one of the type that I would want to get him irritated and run for far as I could cause by the way he responds :wink: . and purpusly go aginst the team in sports (when it comes to watch a sport game) as his sister once in awhile.

    School- likes technologys classes, P.E. but not as athletec as me, don't like art or Math.
    Career- wants to be a mechanic.
    hobbies- soccer team Chivas in Mexico, fav. color green,red and black. Collects race cars stuff.
    Best I can described so far.

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    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    [color=indigo]I kinda want to know what personality is this person I described below.[/indigo]
    Sounds ISxx

    As for the other person maybe later... I have been looking at FAR TOO MANY text boxes as of late lol. I may take a computer break for awhile.

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    This question probably been answere can we in a possibility find our pets personality by looks and attitude?

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    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    I kinda want to know what personality is this person I described below. He is same age as me. He is hispanic. Skinny body. He's modest. Plays soccer. I say when not in soccer clothes, dress hansome and neat . Very good table manners. Behave like a type that could work in an office(as I would hate that kind of job). Really nice and patient, not loud type person. But also very energetic of playing sports. I Say gets the energy from his dad. Have to admit he cute to me. .Best I could describe him.
    Hey taz, there's not much to go on here but he MIGHT be an ISTJ.

    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    About half the time I don't get along with him (forgive later). He can be sweet to me as I am his sister .
    He is very bossy, always beat me when it come to arguments once in awhile very demanding(I can never think of ways to say to say till too late ).
    Fights back very easily especialy with people he known for years. More forceful with his opinions toward/against me and my other brother. Likes to play rough.
    With his friends he values and his mom and dad alot.
    Get from his dad of not very patient when we do things for him. Not good at looking at the good side of things tend to look more on the bad side except with himself or his dad.
    Don't usually do stuff for other people unless people he values greatly.

    Toward people he don't know.
    Don't talk at all. Look very serious, unless you known him for years.
    Really good at sticking up for people he values(once in awhile for me ).
    Just sit and listen, known at school as never talk a loner, few friends. Example the girls get excite and follow him around if he say one word at school for the day.
    I know he have good comments but won't admit it or say it.
    But can be fun to play with if we are playing rough against him such as tackle football or games he like.
    Likes sports such as hockey and lacross. Very competitve.
    Don't like to lose to me, when so get irritated and won't admit he lost to a girl or encourage that I won(admit not very often I win against my brother) . hehe.
    He one of the type that I would want to get him irritated and run for far as I could cause by the way he responds . and purpusly go aginst the team in sports (when it comes to watch a sport game) as his sister once in awhile.

    School- likes technologys classes, P.E. but not as athletec as me, don't like art or Math.
    Career- wants to be a mechanic.
    hobbies- soccer team Chivas in Mexico, fav. color green,red and black. Collects race cars stuff.
    Best I can described so far.
    As for your brother, I'd try ISTP

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