ok everytime I think i've "definitely" decided my type between INTj/INTp something fucks me up

i have a roommate from college that tested INTJ on MB, when i'd always test INTP

Some of the descriptions here for INTps i see glimmers of at least on the surface, superficial level. I think i probably dress more INTp than INTj?? bah

but the thing is I see my friend as maybe fitting socionics INTj in little hints-- she tries to be healthy, and I am completely oblivious to caring properly about my health but develop paranoia that manifests in the form of washing my hands ten thousand times, etc

She is very J in behavior, I always saw her having a good sense of time and she has always devised great schedules for chores as well as planned many an event/project.. seemed Te..

but i get confused


i was wondering if we could both be INTj and she was thinking subtype and I intuitive subtype .. i know INTp has Ni while INTj has Ne, not to mention Ti, I just thought it might explain our j/p differences in behavior..

anyone know different subtypes of the same type? I think slava said something about that but didn't substantiate it , enough to satisfy me anyway!

dhsj help

its been an obsessive day.