As a PoLR I believe it is necessary to limit the emotional gauge, in the sense that emotions affect one's personal state. Sometimes immediate emotions are lacking reason, meaning since the response in our brains are bounded to our immediate acknowledging of intentions in others (as it is also in sensing pleasure or discomfort) and since our immediate functional thinking is most often biased by our experience and memories and expectations, the direct emotional display is in many cases flawed.

If functional thinking is filled with stereotypical cognition, meaning that the apperception of the object that builds one's semiotics is disoriented, this lack of rationality also permeates into the affective and then behavioral components of attitude, thus limiting the further coming analysis, eventually resulting in harmful judgment of value and then disastrous critical thinking.

By reconsidering the perception of what is happening in recognition of our participation in giving meaning most problems and misunderstandings can be avoided.

I also hate drama queens. Controlling emotions helps in controlling one's sensing experience. Letting a tsunami of biochemicals fill your emotional experience just drugs you into nonsense.