Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
Well the way i understood what Ashton was talking about is that Fe-POLRs completely ignore Fe info and consequently, the Fe bullsh-- coming from the other person doesn't cloud their assessment of what that person's intentions are, because the Fe info being put forth just doesn't register in their Fe-POLR brain.
Whether Fe is wholly or partly indigestible to Fe-PoLRs is dependent on which sociotronicalistic model one favors and one's understanding of it*, but in any case the resulting mentality possess an intellectually mediated social interface. Fe-laden gestures meant to convey and instill certain emotional states aren't accepted as they were presented. Instead they're rationalized (primarily*) via Te-Fi in conjunction with their blocked irrational functions and examined forensically for significance, intent, and verity. If these elements are found to be discordant with observations then the bullshit detector goes off.

For instance I dislike movie scores in which the composer and director attempt to engender a hoped-for emotional response in me that the film has failed to produce. The music intrudes upon my personal experience of the characters as they're portrayed and seeks to impose a "correct" feeling toward them that is dictated by the director. No doubt some find this emotional steering welcome but to me it feels as if I'm being subjected to a cheap instrument of coercion by moviemakers who fall short of true artistry.

Like for example, for me, I'll be trying to be friends with somebody, and that person is smiling and being really nice. My first thought is ooo they seem nice, let's see if we can be friends. And then i'll start assessing the person from a character standpoint, and even though the Fe emanated does give some clues, but does admittedly sometimes interfere with the assessment.
I would think, "If this person's niceness is genuine then this may be someone worth knowing, although I hope there's no expectation that I'm going to respond with equal effusiveness, because fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that. In fact this demand upon my attention is somewhat draining as I'd rather focus on things I find more interesting, so I might shut this individual off soon. However, I'll continue humoring this person in the meantime and making observations."

On the opposite spectrum, say someone seems really overbearing and ominous towards me (say, a professor). I might get intimidated because of that Fe info, and that could get in the way of me learning, whereas an Fe-POLR might totally not even notice that professor's outward emoting and just learn what is there to be learned. Those are sort of the images in my mind. obviously i could be off.
In a similar situation I'd think, "This dude is uptight. What a puffed up clown. Hopefully we don't have any interpersonal friction that will affect my grade in this class. His self-important posturing is hilarious and it's already difficult for me not to tweak his nose."