Wow. I'm not about to start quoting things here since there would be way too many and at this point, I don't feel it would be worth it. You have your opinions and I can't see anyone ever changing them. It's sad really.

You both pretty much say "I don't mean to offend" but clearly there's no way that's true. It's easy for a person to not like their parents... no matter what type they are... I think parents are supposed to get on your nerves, it's just how the world is. They could be your dual and most people still would have problems with their parents. If you're going to relate all ESE's to a shitty relationship with your mother's then I'd like to be the first to point out that nothing good can come of it. It's like comparing all people of one type to the worst example of that type and thinking bad about every person of that type.
Mea, At one point it was said that "friend" A was an ESFJ... how much of a friend can you possibly be if your views of them are anything near as bad as you've expressed here? Oh that's right, the ESE is the one that talks shit about their "friends" my bad...

Ah, well I just realized that I'd rather not spend any more of my time on this since I'm sure it will fall on deaf ears anyway. You both said not all ESE's are very bad people but it was clearly meant... as soon as you figure out that they are not, then I'd hope you actually notice it instead of seeing what you need to to keep that opinion of them up.