Quote Originally Posted by silverchris9 View Post
Fi-polrs are unaware of how they make others feel about them (as in, if they alienate others, if they're pissing others off, if they're making others unconfortable)

Fe-polrs are unaware of how they affect the general emotional atmosphere, and how they "come across" to others. They won't notice if they make an awkward comment that depresses everyone, or that "ruins the mood". They do like to learn about how their comments make other people feel, and they'll hold back a statement if they know it will make someone else feel bad. They also can't really manage others' impressions of them particularly well, at least in terms of actions they take in the moment, decisions they make on the fly, and such (they can be perfectly good at preparing before hand in order to present themselves well, I suppose). For example, my ILI friend is really the nicest person ever, and very very humble about how smart she is (she goes to Princeton now, so she's basically a freaking genius---not that all geniuses go to Princeton, but you know what I mean). But because she doesn't naturally think about how she comes across to people, there was one girl (ESE; they were conflictors anyway) who totally thought she was arrogant and self-important, probably because my friend answered a question quickly or told someone they were wrong or something. It's that kind of thing, the sort of thing that comes quite naturally (too naturally) to IEIs.

Fe-polr types also tend to be uncomfortable about opening up around people until they've built an Fi-type bond with you.

Yessss , that's true
My crush is SLI too ( I dunno , he is Si or Te subtype )
He is uncomfortable about opening up himself to his friend , coz i was opening myself to him. It took a lot of time , but he could opened up to me until now.
He is rather bad to emotional atmosphere , like his words sometimes can very cruel to others.

He helps me to expresses myself in healthy way like write into diary
As an activator , sometimes too much interactions are making us feel tired.

Although , he seems harsh and insensitive to others.
But he is genuine person , i've seen. I know , he lacks of emotion and can't show affection. But , he is deeply care to me.
Yeah , he is secretly sensitive too tbh.