Wanting someone to be happy, or at least pretend to, in order to improve the overall mood of someplace is very much Fe.

Fi might more have been if the other person had been careful with how she said anything about it because she was afraid she might hurt Mea's feelings. Or the bad side of Fi might have been if Person A hadn't said anything outright but had tried to manipulate Mea or made her feel guilty in order to get her to behave differently. But it would have been more about using her relationship with Mea to get her to do something, either nicely or not. And for people who prefer Fi, the overall mood wouldn't have been a major concern anyway.

Anyway, obviously not all Fe-dominant people are as rude as Person A, and Fe-promoting behavior wouldn't have to be rude by a long shot; it can be done very gracefully. Therefore, this isn't a particularly good example of Fe because even people who like Fe might be put off by the rudeness.