Quote Originally Posted by incognito View Post
This is not true. I don't believe your mother is like this. :wink: Actually, what's more frustrating is the fact that others can't see what's ahead, where I'm right but I have to wait for others to 'see' what I have predicted is true. Until such time, I'm labeled as 'wrong'. This happens more than you wish to admit, right? A perfect example is developing at the moment. I've forewarned but my prediction was dismissed. So, I'll sit back and wait for the event to unfold and witness the squirming and complaining.
Pffft, I think this is a case where I'M right and YOU'RE wrong. With regards to the promptness etc, that is.

And see, I think you think that people think you're wrong. Where people actually don't think that you're wrong, rather they think that you think that they haven't taken to account what you're saying but really they've already thought about that. It's not that you're wrong, it's that you're annoying "people" with stating what they already know and making it a stance rather than moving on to a mutual understanding. At which point they become annoyed and ignore you on principle

Everyone, everyone, look! Contrasting mother-daughter! Someone should do a study, lol.