Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
5 PM. He calls. I say "You're going to hate me, but I haven't slept in 2 nights. I am sooo tired. Can't we go see a movie tomorrow?"
ILI: But I have "plans" for tomorrow.
Me: Okay okay. see you at 7.

6 PM. He calls again! I had just spoken to my friend who recommended that we see another movie, which he loved and which the ILI had actually wanted to see initially.
Me: hey why don't we go see this movie instead? it's better and it's closer to both of us
ILI: what time is it playing?
Me: 10:30
ILI: <starts making pained noises>
Me: What? Oh god. You think I'm flaking on you! No. I am totally not. I actually prefer to see this movie.
ILI: I just don't think you're going to show up for A movie
<we talk for 15 minutes and I finally convince him this is not a "stalling" mechanism>
Me: Okay, so see you at 10. <gets ready to hang up phone>
ILI: whoa whoa. hang on. what are we going to do before the movie?
Me: huh?
ILI: the last time we were getting coffee. I don't just want to go to a movie with someone.
Me: oh I guess everything in that area will be closed by then
ILI: well, see, that's a problem..
<we sort of resolve this one. THEN...>
ILI: wait. what am i supposed to do to occupy myself during the next few hours?
Me: huh?
ILI: well I was planning to be in a movie now, so I didn't plan anything for these next few hours..
Me: What? Why do you need a plan for everything? Can't you just like do something?
ILI: <pauses in SHOCK> That's not the problem. The problem is that you never want to make plans.
Me: <laughs at how he considers this to be such an obvious "flaw." Like, how could I NOT value that in him?>
<30 minutes later I worked out a plan that would make him see me for 2 hours BEFORE the movie. LUCKY ME. He seems happy.>
Me: Okay now. Can I go? Please?
ILI: Sure. <hangs up phone>
This kind of phone exchange would surely drive me iNsAnE.