Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
The relationship sounds uneven. Is this the guy from the video?
No, he's not. The guy in the video was the computer lab tech guy who I petitioned for help. I was thinking he was ILI, as well. Good catch!

Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat View Post
The conversation is only uneven in that he's an average frustrated chump and she's not interested in him.
I doubt it's uneven in this way. He's actually really good looking and smart. I doubt he even finds me attractive.
He's definitely ILI. He does this depressing, eyes glistening lament about his future thing that I've only ever see Ni leading types do. I can't even really begin to explain this characteristic. It's just very obvious when you see it.
He openly expresses frustration at people who attempt to manipulate his emotions or needing to display some sort of group emotion.
Trust me. He's ILI. Everything fits.

Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
that's what I thought also.

he doesn't sound necessarily ILI but I suppose it's possible. good grief, I would be HIGHLY annoyed with him. what, do I look like your social director? your babysitter? you can't find something to do? sheesh.
lol. my thoughts exactly! I think i may have even said to him "i'm not your babysitter!"
usually my relationships with ILIs are very good. I have one very good ILI friend who doesn't expect much from me but my spaciness and inconsistent meetings with him. But a few others, particularly this one, seem to NEED me to be their dual. I really feel like he wants me to take charge of everything and socially connect him, but that's so not me!

Oh so the evening ended with me paying for our movie tickets. He also did one of those token ILI things where he's pointing something out about your physical appearance and unintentionally insulting you. I also fell on my ass as we were running to catch the last train. <shrug>

Ummm. Go see "Slumdog Millionare." REALLY GOOD.