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Thread: Where you work

  1. #1

    Default Where you work...

    In the office/whatever where you work, do you notice a lot of people of a certain quadra?

  2. #2


    Not sure about quadra i'll have a think about it. Weirdly most of the introverts are rationals and most of the extraverts are irrationals. Dunno why though. Maybe it's a sign for me to get a new job lol.

  3. #3


    Where I work, the director is an Alpha [INTj] but he's near retirement and quite hands-off, especially since we got a gamma assistant director a few years ago [ESFp]. She, the ESFp, is in charge of hiring/firing people, and she has hired almost equal numbers of Betas, Deltas, and Gammas [whom she clearly prefers, lol], but only one Alpha [an ESFj, with whom she clashes from time to time].

    I think it's interesting that it "works out" this way, and I wondered if others had similar observations....

  4. #4
    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    My workplace has all the quadras more or less equally. However almost all of them are extraverts and bigger part irrationals (maybe due to work specific) and only a few rational introverts (who do the bigger part of the actual work).
    Looking for an Archnemesis. Willing applicants contact via PM.

    ENFp - Fi 7w6 sp/sx
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    johari nohari

  5. #5
    implied's Avatar
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    identified someone from every quadra, but no alphas to my knowledge.
    6w5 sx
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    sloan - rcuei

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    We have 2 deltas, 2 betas, 2 alphas, and one gamma. Possibly 2 gammas, but I still haven't figured out what type the office manager is.. Possibly LSE, but she's nothing like the wacked out descriptions most people here have of LSEs...

  7. #7
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Mostly Betas at the coffee shop, including the owners, which doesn't surprise me. A few alphas, but by and large Betas were the dominant population.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Mostly Betas at the coffee shop, including the owners, which doesn't surprise me. A few alphas, but by and large Betas were the dominant population.
    I think I might look into jobs in that arena

  9. #9
    Ritella's Avatar
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    that place would drive me crazy.
    i really hate when i have to set the price to anything.
    EII; E6(w5)

    i am flakey

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    redbaron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    that place would drive me crazy.
    i really hate when i have to set the price to anything.
    seriously. what.the.heck????????

    My place of employment is my house. And within its walls reside two betas (IEIs) and three alphas (two ESEs and one SEI).
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Allie View Post
    See, I don't really mind setting a price to something. It's mostly the fact that this guy had an expectant look on his face, waiting for me to decide it. The whole thing felt manipulative, to me. And the fact that you're technically ordering off-the-menu (not that you can order on the menu) makes your coffee seem more "custom-to-you" or whatever, and you feel obligated to pay more for their "service." Bleh. So I hate that this guy is staring at me while I decide how much I think his coffee is worth. Heh.
    well then, this sounds like you don't really like not having the price set. these are exactly the reasons why it would drive me crazy.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    I worked for a year for boutique consulting company of about 20, all males (i know. what was i thinking?). They were all Gammas except for 2 Betas which ran it, me, and an LII who was my best friend (and obviously didn't fit in). They were incredibly.....boring. I felt like a piece of my soul died every day that I went into work. The LII was the only one who made the place worthwhile. We would typically work together on projects- not getting anything done, but discussing the theory behind the task for days; take really long and frequent coffee breaks; keep a tally of places where we had gone to eat lunch so that we could throw a fit if any of the others suggested we eat pizza 4 days in a row; show up at 12 and work until dinner; etc. Needless to say, our "habits" were not exactly appreciated. Also, he was the only person who expressed any understanding of knowing when I was in a bad mood. Once during a phone call meeting he drew me a dragon. Another time, he snuck up behind me and moved my mouth into a smile.

    Last year I worked for a school in which the founder was Delta and the faculty was split in half between Delta and Beta, with 1 or 2 Alpha/Gammas thrown in for good measure.
    While we all seemed like we had the same "mission," there was great conflict in implementation. Meetings were always very obviously quadra-schewed, with each group essentially misinterpreting what the other group was saying. Rick wrote an article a while back about how Betas are centralized and Deltas are decentralized, and can't support each other upon attack. That is basically precisely what happened. All the Deltas would agree with each other, but when the Betas countered, we would all respond individually. In truth, we were STILL agreeing with each other, but we weren't maintaining that cohesive image of "got your back" that Betas have, so it looked like we were turning on each other.
    There were several instances in which I warned the Deltas that we should strategize a plan beforehand, lest we get Beta attacked. They didn't heed my advice. The Betas attacked and we were left floundering. Betas are fortunate because they're dynamic- they can group-bond and change their strategy during the actual conflict. Deltas are more static- they need to plan these things out beforehand, behind closed doors, and if someone throws a wrench in the plan then we're screwed.
    I can elaborate more on this, but it may take forever.
    EII; E6(w5)

    i am flakey

  13. #13


    Haggle. See if you can get a discount if you're staying for more than one drink.

    And if the guy caught you off guard by waiting to see how much his coffee was worth then be ready for him next time. Make a joke about how money can't buy you happyness but it can by you a capachino which is the next best thing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    Haggle. See if you can get a discount if you're staying for more than one drink.

    And if the guy caught you off guard by waiting to see how much his coffee was worth then be ready for him next time. Make a joke about how money can't buy you happyness but it can by you a capachino which is the next best thing.
    that's funny.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Allie View Post
    Oh. I didn't really explain that clearly, I think.

    I meant that I'm comfortable judging how much something is worth paying for, but I'm not comfortable with this sort of manipulation that makes me pay more than what I feel it's worth. I hate how you have to pay within like ten seconds-ish. So even though I know it's not worth $4, in the 2.5 seconds it takes to clip your fingers around either three bills or four, you pick four—because some guy is staring you down with a smile and an expectant look.
    Yes, I agree. And I would have done the same thing.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    Yeah, I would have done the same thing and hated it because it gives me this conflict between feeling shitty about myself for not "sticking to my guns" and paying the price I want to pay or feeling shitty about myself for looking like an unappreciative cheap-o by not paying the price the guy wants me to pay. My general strategy is that if I'm ever put into that situation, I'll just avoid it like the plague. I probably would have had to be dragged back to that coffee shop to go back there.
    EII; E6(w5)

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  17. #17



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    Quote Originally Posted by Allie View Post
    See, I don't really mind setting a price to something. It's mostly the fact that this guy had an expectant look on his face, waiting for me to decide it. The whole thing felt manipulative, to me. And the fact that you're technically ordering off-the-menu (not that you can order on the menu) makes your coffee seem more "custom-to-you" or whatever, and you feel obligated to pay more for their "service." Bleh. So I hate that this guy is staring at me while I decide how much I think his coffee is worth. Heh.

    This sort of pretentiousness is something I tend to associate with Beta, however bad that sounds.
    That coffee place sounds like heaven The way you described the lighting and the carpet...yeah. And yeah, it's manipulative, kinda "here you what?" thing. But I don't see an issue with it, lol. I would have just given him 3$ and smiled haughtily, like "k". I would guess that the entire atmosphere there revolves around that sort of disdainful interaction.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella
    Rick wrote an article a while back about how Betas are centralized and Deltas are decentralized, and can't support each other upon attack
    Yes. I can't tell you how much I love this about my beta friends. It's like there's an engraved connection between us, whereas I can never get a fucking read on where the Fi people stand. I can't count the number of times this mentality has helped me in confrontation situations lol. I remember when my crazy Ti-ESTp friend saved the day randomly (literally came out of fucking nowhere lol) when my friend was getting his ass beat by some upper classmen. He didn't even know him too well, but once the bond is established, it doesn't change.

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    At subway there was an ENFp girl who I wanted to date but had an ISTp boyfriend of 6 years, ESTp who was fun, ISTj who said nothing and I could tell had been traumatized, ENFj who was full of shit at all times, ISFp who is 300 pounds, ESTj black lady who went to anger management classes, ESFj korean who could barely speak english, then, INTp

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