Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
How do we pretend not to care? And what is this in reference to? Have you ever been in a beta group?

I think betas care a lot less about any 'atmosphere' than alphas, as it is constantly changing with the competition you mention.

Anyway, I think steve generally got it. Alphas tend to take the constant internal Fe interactions and disperse them into the external Si context, hence their focus on "a positive environment." To me it seems as if they are riding in a boat along a peaceful little pond, singing melodies to themselves. Beta groups tend to flourish in environments with rapidly changing 'impacts' (ostensible), that give a sense of flux to the internal causality of Fe. There is obviously a sort of Ti consilience underpinning both of these groups.

But I think some people are taking this idea too far. I don't seek groups out; I don't give a fuck about being part of something bigger. Don't conflate Ti/Fe with the social instinct of the enneagram. As far as real friends go, I maintain a small handful of like-minded people. The group thing is more or less something I enjoy and adapt to easily, rather than some imperative drive. Sure, I want people to rally for the cause with me, but whatever. Most of the time in groups I enjoy whoever will push it the farthest. This is where the individual ceases to exist: you have an energy coursing throughout the people, and different tactics are used to make the strongest effect. I don't care if your feelings are hurt, if it's too frustrating, imposing, whatever. You consigned yourself to whatever consequences that ensue when you opted to participate. It's great for weeding out the weak; and I don't wait around for anyone.

with some groups of people i feel stronger. this to me is good.