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Thread: Ritella's dual

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    Default Ritella's dual

    This topic's question is still under construction. Please note that Ritella specifically requested that the topic not mention which description is which. Thank you.

    Ritella, please read the three following descriptions and discuss the ways in which each of the potential ideal partners would or would not meet your desires and needs. Also discuss whether you feel you would be capable of fulfilling the role that each potential ideal partner needs and how easy/natural/enjoyable it would be for you.

    A.) Ritella's ideal partnet is decisive and purposeful, brave and full of initiative. He is capable of persevering a long time towards his goal, overcoming any difficulties at his way. He is not always capable of taming his emotions and outbursts of wrath, but can subordinate others to him and make them do what he wants. Ritella lacks such decisiveness; she admires strong people possessing leadership skills. She tries to be useful to them by giving cautionary advice.

    Ritella foresees very well the negative outcome of certain actions of her ideal partner. She watches people's emotional reactions and then suggests to her partner measures to influence them. Without such advice her partner may act precipitately. He possesses good organizational skills. He has a talent for planning actions, distributing duties and resources. He at the same time lacks diplomacy. He will manipulate people like inanimate objects, not reckoning with their feelings and interests. Thus he turns people against him but he does not understand why. Ritella softens his authoritarianism, tuning him up to a warmer attitude. She advises to be diplomatic, calms him down, releases his irritability by jokes and compliments made at the right moment. At the same time she creates the atmosphere of politeness, being aristocratic, 'keeping aloof', regulates distance in communication, as soon as she feels the partner is ready to insult her. In this way Ritella avoids possible confrontation.

    Ritella's ideal partner tends to doubt not only the good attitude of others towards him, but also noble motives of others. He rather notices people’s negative traits more than positive ones. Sometimes he is excessively suspicious, afraid of treason, and for this reason tends to surround himself by favorites whom he trusts. Ritella neutralizes his prejudice by her trustful and kind manner of communication, neutralizing his suspicions by assertions of her loyalty.

    Ritella is capable of choosing a moment for sudden decisive actions, which discourages opponents, and this makes het useful to her partner, who appreciates her original advice. Ritella attracts people and manipulates their feelings and relations. She looks forward and prepares for the future in advance. She finds necessary acquaintances and fulfillers for her projects. Unlike her partner, she is optimistic and can inspire others with her optimism, especially her dual, who values interests in concrete affairs over all and so expects from others dirty tricks rather than assistance. It is for this reason he loses adherents and falls into depression caused by bad foreboding.

    Ritella's shortcoming is her inclination to blame others considering them guilty of her own misfortunes. Her partner easily calms her down by threatening to punish the offenders and to restore justice. Sometimes he puts Ritella to shame, teaches her lessons of courage and endurance. Together with such a strong personality Ritella is ready to overcome everything, believing in success. She needs moral support, without which her vital tonus decreases. She needs, too, a support of an authoritative partner, who understands instructions and rules, possesses penetrative skills, realism and practical intelligence.
    (B and C to come)
    Last edited by Joy; 12-10-2008 at 10:58 AM.

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