Quote Originally Posted by Diana View Post
Well, I'm not attracted to people with other genetic issues either, like Down's Syndrome for instance. You know, be as PC as you want, but that doesn't change what people do and don't find attractive. If someone finds genetic issues like extreme weight gain problems attractive, good for them. I don't. Whether it's poor character, an illness, or genetics really doesn't matter.

I guess it just bothers me when people pull out the "inner beauty" thing, because it's bullshit. You can overlook some things, and a person can become more attractive to you as you get to know them, but to not care at all about things like that. Total BS.
Yeah when it comes down to it, even though I've tried to convince myself of otherwise, the attraction thing is just there or it isn't, and when I'm first attracted to someone, the physical aspects are very integral. I'm just as superficial as anyone else.

Now whether "genetic issues" are really genetic issues and somehow unchangeable, is a different issue. For example, most of the medical community thinks imperfect eyesight is genetic (and therefore incurable so they use cover ups like prescription lenses or laser surgery as a crutch) when there have been countless examples of people going from high prescriptions to perfect eyesight through methods of relaxation and changing the way they see. So who knows, maybe other "genetic issues" we see as lost causes are not really lost...but I'm digressing.

So to write someone off as a "lost case" when you sense hidden potential is something hard for me to do. Like say if someone has big anxiety issues but I really think they're good looking and really like who they are without the anxiety, I don't think I'll write them off.