ESTp: you know, not everybody shares your view that you should get more money and a bigger office for working less than everybody else just because you're so great. In fact, nobody does.

ISTj: I know you have a very consistent system of how the world, and people, work and should work inside your head -- but have you ever thought about not automatically rejecting all the thousands of facts that do not fit into your perfect system?

ISFp: There is something called "logic" and some acts that, believe it or not, are not meant personally. Think of that. Also, your sudden bursts into song or very lame silliness annoy the crap out of me.

ESFp: No, not everybody thinks that partying the whole night is the best thing in the world.

ENTj: No, not everybody wants to listen to your opinions on subjects that don't interest them. And everybody does notice your crushed suit.

ESFj: Can't you get to the point instead of running through all the sequential events before getting there? And can't you just once be on time?

ISFj: Your ethics and morals are just that - yours. Not everybody's a criminal because they failed to fulfill them, especially since they were not even aware that they were so important to you in the first place.

ENFj: Sometimes you do seem fake, you know.

ENTp: Your ideas and analysis are brilliant, consistent, and logically connected. If only they had any relevance to the real world.

INFp: You're adorable. But can you actually do something practical?

INTp: I like your sarcasm, but sometimes you do hurt people's feelings too much. Also, don't you ever return phone calls?

ENFp: You are so full of ideas. Too bad none of them are logically consistent. Also, could you be just a little less emotional?