don't really care about statements on trans people, just another dumb celebrity the world is obsessed with whether negatively or positively, no real change will occur from it.

completely separate from the author, i remember reading Harry Potter and finding it bland and unoriginal, especially for a fantasy novel. no new perspectives or ways of thinking, feeling, knowing was introduced personally.

I wholeheartedly agree with this Ursula K Le Guin statement on JK
" She didn't plagiarize. She didn’t copy anything. Her book, in fact, could hardly be more different from mine, in style, spirit, everything. The only thing that rankles me is her apparent reluctance to admit that she never learned anything from other writers. When ignorant critics praised her wonderful originality in inventing the idea of a wizards’ school, and some of them even seemed to believe that she had invented fantasy, she let them do so. This, I think, was ungenerous, and in the long run unwise."