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Thread: Type Hype

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    Yes, and I think the only reason to reach for this omniscience is to gain the power to traverse society and claim your dual. It grants no personal fulfillment in its own right. All it really is, is a very fundamental and strong education. Not so different from learning anything, really; other then that socionics is more useful.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat View Post
    Yes, and I think the only reason to reach for this omniscience is to gain the power to traverse society and claim your dual. It grants no personal fulfillment in its own right. All it really is, is a very fundamental and strong education
    The thing about your dual though is that you simply use each other to cover weakness, and to help each other learn to cover weakness. You never learn to transcend the type you use; you just get better at mastering and being that type.

    Like I stated before ... for some people they are suppose to just be one type, and learn that type. For those people, finding your dual would be necessary. I also think there are people who are suppose to learn the functions in such a way that they master all the types. I think I am one of those people. And some day I am going to help others do the same.

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    Ok. Imagine if you studied the game of starcraft (or chess) really hard, and you knew everything there was to know about starcraft. In the world of starcraft, you would be this omniscient type you are referring to. Do you see the difference? You aren't changing your type, you're just learning. You don't need your dual to help you with starcraft, but you do need them for your own fulfillment once you walk away from that game.
    Now more generally, you're discussing using socionics to 'master' the ~world~ in this same way we have mastered starcraft. And after doing so, one would have no need for their dual.
    The problem I have with this, is that it assumes a limited world. It also pays no respect to our internal experience of reality as a type.
    You are playing starcraft, and you're owning because you're the omniscient type in the world of starcraft. But in your mind, you understand starcraft in terms of your basic I.M. type; the same old type you always were, and you get this lingering feeling of ..'lets get out of this chair and go spend the day with my dual'.
    The world is not limited or static. You can't 'learn it'; and even if you could, this wouldn't alter your I.M. type, but only your behavior within the static world at hand. And you will still long for duality outside of this world; within your head, within the infinity of reality and experience.
    Last edited by crazedrat; 12-03-2008 at 01:20 AM.

  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew View Post
    The thing about your dual though is that you simply use each other to cover weakness, and to help each other learn to cover weakness. You never learn to transcend the type you use; you just get better at mastering and being that type.

    Like I stated before ... for some people they are suppose to just be one type, and learn that type. For those people, finding your dual would be necessary. I also think there are people who are suppose to learn the functions in such a way that they master all the types. I think I am one of those people. And some day I am going to help others do the same.
    First off, you have a serious Bodhisattva-complex going there, but that is not surprising considering you actually use the yin-yang symbol in your chart and your ideas include Far Eastern elements.

    Secondly, your dual will prevent you from transcending your type? Ridiculous. Your dual realizes the part of reality that you yourself cannot fathom in all of its complexity. Your dual provides you with the best way to learn how to manage all of your functions because it is their imput you are most receptive to. They can even help you from going off the wall with your Ego functions. I really do not care how much or how many descriptions of the types and elements you read, how long you spend prepping with each element, or whatever else you expect to help you in your task, but all of that is useless. Similarly how no one can actually describe themselves perfectly, no one can write or even understand a perfect description of a single type or a single element.

    Your dual is probably the best way for you to actually learn what the other elements truly are and how they truly manifest, think, and function. You can also talk to the other types, but people do not reveal themselves so easily as would your dual. No matter what type you are (I guess I should add "originally" in your case), using some of your functions will bring extreme irritation to sheer boredom.

    You think you transcend socionics cause you do not really hate any other type or any other people? Congratulations, you are a humanitarian. No humanitarians carry around Glocks so they can blast away every time they meet their conflict. For humanitarians, conflict relationships are not so much about deep misturst or misunderstanding or hatred, but about boredom, irritation, and annoyance.

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    society shouldn't exist the way it does, and we should be living in caves. But if you lived with your dual in a cave in a warm place near an oasis, it would probably be pretty fun. and if you had the rest of your quadra to keep you company, and there was an ocean nearby, and you knew how to fish, then you'd really be set.

    although it would probably get boring. so then you'd have to build some kind of entertainment. and i bet you'd want to start building places to save your fish that you've caught, and making better ways to catch more fish, and making it so you had more leisure time, and...... oh yeah, damn.
    Or would all that happen if you had your dual around? I don't think it would.
    At least it would never get out of control.
    Yeah, cave living
    Last edited by crazedrat; 12-03-2008 at 02:03 AM.

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