Quote Originally Posted by tuturututu View Post
Why not? 27 month ago I've asked my ESFj-Si friend what annoys him most. He said that he can't tolerate when people are being late. At that time I didn't knew anything about socionics and I found his answer to be very strange and I was thinking: "OK that can be annoying but there are much worse things than that".
My ESTj father gets really, really angry when TV-program doesn't follow schedule. Even one minute of discrepancy is accompanied by cursing and swearing.
Actually, I hate when things are late too (I also hate to be late myself, so I am always super punctual - but I also know ENTjs that don't have this fixation, so I can't chalk it up to type). One of the things I can tolerate less in others is consistent lateness. I can't really live for them (if somebody is late 3 hours to a meeting, I don't go doing something else - I keep on waiting them, so it's 3 hours of my life completely wasted).