That's true, I have seen Ni polr manifest itself as time retardation. But strrrngs sentiments are more to do with not having people think of it only in those terms, which is likely to happen given peoples bookworm understanding of socionics and seeming lack of real world experience.
For example, there was this day I had 30 minutes until work, so my ride (ESFj-Fe mother) decided to run to the mall 'real quick'. She got caught in traffic both on the way there, and in the parking garage; and then she didn't consider the 5 minute walk INTO the mall, then back. It took her an hour, and I ended up 30 minutes late for work. She is also terrible at estimating traveling times. Like we'll always arrive at the airport hours early, then sit around for 2-3 hours. If we need to drive to the store real fast, it'll 'just take 5 minutes' .. where there's no way it'll take less then 20. etc.
My ESTj-Te bro quit his new job because he was 10 minutes late. So he decided not to go in at all.