Ni PoLR to me... = not being able to learn from past experiences, so repeating the same thing expecting some different outcome; not knowing the passing of time or having a notion of time very well tuned; not understanding some things which are obvious to others' in informal conversation; seeing things as 'static' rather than as they are which is changing all the time. Recollection of events is somewhat atemporal, not linked to time; events seem to have all happened at the same point in the 'past'. Sometimes this static view of things is so annoying that I don't remember unimportant things like for example did I brush my teeth one hour ago or is it last night that I'm recalling? With Se demonstrative this often also leads to unexpected action. I think that seeing things and people as static and unchanging is the worst part of it. Or as chaotically changing, without a pattern, which is maybe worse. The world as total mayhem, or as total unchanging boredom.