I can bring the memory of sensations back, but they don't have the same impact as reality. I can remember taste, texture, temperature, sound, smell, etc. but luckily enough when I think about old injuries I never re-experience the pain. Not sure if that's Si or just styles of memory-imprinting.

I have a hard time concocting combinations in my mind. Like I'll know how the separate things taste but not how they'll complement each other in an untried combination. But I've also read that the taste buds can only discern a limited number of tastes in any one bite, and I don't seem to have that limitation - I can taste sour at the same time as sweet at the same time as salty, etc., and several of my friends can, too. So, for example, if I eat a hot pepper, my mouth doesn't stop burning by sprinkling sugar on my tongue. Does that work for other people, though?

I've also read about how certain sensations tend to cancel out other sensations, and this doesn't seem to work for me either. If I'm cold and something starts itching, I'm cold AND I itch. If I'm hungry on top of it, it just keeps getting harder to ignore any of the states. With growing maturity, I can impose a patient demeanor over my discomfort, but it doesn't blunt it internally.