Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
all of this does not take individual differences into account. yes, they are things to START with but if i told my oldest child when he was an infant to sleep 16 hrs a day, id have one neurotic boy on my hands right now. he needed more sleep than that and now at 12 he sleeps 12hrs, mostly because he is growing literally inches within a couple of months time.

ive never scheduled my children's sleeping or feeding. i listen to their inner rhythms and facilitate what they are telling me...

btw, i learned this from research and then implemented it, but it does match what is close to my heart and inner knowing.
I dont deny this at all. The 16 hours of sleep for infants was over the whole day, in 4 or 5 sleep periods. I was just writing it out because my exam in a few hours has a few sleep questions.