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Thread: OKCupid dating persona test

  1. #81
    Joy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allie View Post
    nah, most just get off on that. beating them up doesn't make them grow up.
    But will it hold their attention?

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  2. #82
    ragnar's Avatar
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    Slow dancer / Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer (DGLD) again:
    Greetings, ragnar
    ILI knowledge-seeker

  3. #83
    jessica129's Avatar
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    Much better than Genghis Kunt

    Colorful, but unpicked. You are The Wild Rose.

    Prone to bouts of cynicism, sarcasm, and thorns, you excite a certain kind of man. Hoping to gather you up, he flirts and winks and asks you out, ultimately professing his love. Then you make him bleed. Why? Because you’re the rare, independent, self-sufficient kind of woman who does want love, but not from a weakling.

    You don’t seem to take yourself too seriously, and that’s refreshing. You aren’t uptight; you don’t over-plan. Romance-wise, sex isn’t a top priority—a true relationship would be preferable. For your age, you haven’t had a lot of bonafide love experience, though, and this kind of gets to core of the issue. You’re very selective.

    The problem is them, not you, right? You have lofty standards that few measure up to. You’re out there all right, but not to be picked up by just anyone

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    But will it hold their attention?
    their attention is worthless.
    maybe a saint is just a dead prick with a good publicist
    maybe tommorow's statues are insecure without their foes
    go ask the frog what the scorpion knows

  5. #85

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    Much better than Genghis Kunt
    But I laughed my ass off when you got that...

  6. #86
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    The Mixed Messenger
    Deliberate Brutal Love Dreamer (DBLD)

    Just...take...the...fucking...flower...darling. The Mixed Messenger apologizes again.
    You’re looking for love, but you’ll always maintain your independence. You’re prepared for a real commitment, but it’s also likely that you’re ambitious, which creates a certain romantic tension and ambivalence within you. So although you can be very affectionate to someone, you are also capable of pulling some dubious shit.
    In a relationship, you’re usually the emotional leader. With your friends, you’re a little bit more part of the pack. You’re well-liked but you’re not the uninhibited type, so the spotlight’s often on someone else. In both social and romantic situations, however, you almost always get what you want. Influencing people is something you do very well.

    The Priss (DBLD)

    Always Avoid:
    The Playstation (RGSM)

    The Peach (RGLM)
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  7. #87
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    how do u copy the result like that?
    Last edited by 07490; 01-30-2010 at 03:54 AM.
    (D)IEE~FI-(C)SLE~Ni E-5w4(Sp/Sx)/7w8(So/Sp)/9w1(sp/sx)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    A girl who I want to date, asks me: well first tell me how tall you are?
    My reply: well I will answer that, if you first tell me how much you weigh!

    A girl I was dating said she was oh so great at sex etc, but she didn't do blowjobs.
    My reply: Oh I'm really romantic etc, I just will never take you out to dinner.

  8. #88
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    Random Gentle Love Master (RGLM)
    The Loverboy

    FACT: You embody the German principle of Konstantzusammenschaft, which is best described in English (without using the obscure English word “sammenschaft”) as “eternal togethermanship”.

    Well-liked. Well-established. You are The Loverboy. Loverboys thrive in committed, steady relationships—as opposed to, say, Playboys, who want sex without too much attachment.

    You’ve had many relationships and nearly all of them have been successful. You’re a nice guy, you know the ropes, and even if you can be a little hasty with decisions, most girls think of you as a total catch. Your hastiness comes off as spontaneity most of the time anyhow, making you especially popular in your circle of friends, too.

    You know not to make the typical Loverboy mistake of choosing someone who appreciates your good humor and popularity, but who offers nothing in return. You belong with someone outgoing, independent, and creative. Otherwise, you’ll get bored. And then instead of surprising her with flowers or a practical joke, you’ll surprise her by leaving.

  9. #89
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    they just told me what i already know:

    I am the world's most handsome and available bachelor.

  10. #90
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    Some of the time I get the slow dancer, I think this one fits well becuase I tend to get overly attach in the beginning then lose interest gradually, and doesn't cope well with the negative trait of my partner. it's just how my mind feels, I also think I need a girl who will laugh at my joke.

    The Vapor Trail
    Random Brutal Love Master (RBLM)

    Here today, gone today. You are The Vapor Trail. Are you in a relationship now?

    What about now?

    Vapor Trails can be highly charismatic people—unpredictable, confident, and magnetic. You’re experienced. You know how to handle yourself in a relationship, and many people appreciate that. Many people, all in a row.

    You’ve had your share of blissful beginnings, to be sure. But things almost never turn out how you’d like, do they? The problem is you’re never happy with someone for an extended period of time. Relate to the following:
    Positive Feelings YOU

    Vapor Trails especially need a girl who will laugh at their jokes. They’re also the most likely male type to be haunted by serious regret.

    A few of your exes, the ones you were best to, will always love you. Nice going.


    The Sudden Departure (RBLM)
    Always Avoid:

    The Intern (DGSD) The Maid of Honor (DGLM)
    A special thanks to my dual, my honorary dual Winterpark.
    Last edited by 07490; 01-31-2010 at 04:01 AM.
    (D)IEE~FI-(C)SLE~Ni E-5w4(Sp/Sx)/7w8(So/Sp)/9w1(sp/sx)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    A girl who I want to date, asks me: well first tell me how tall you are?
    My reply: well I will answer that, if you first tell me how much you weigh!

    A girl I was dating said she was oh so great at sex etc, but she didn't do blowjobs.
    My reply: Oh I'm really romantic etc, I just will never take you out to dinner.

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by 07490 View Post
    how do u copy the result like that?
    Just copy/paste everything and re-arrange things if necessary. Or give me the link and I'll do it.
    Last edited by Park; 01-30-2010 at 04:38 PM.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  12. #92



  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by heath View Post
    they just told me what i already know:

    I am the world's most handsome and available bachelor.
    The saddest ESFj


  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akra View Post
    What I've gotten every time I've taken this test over the years...

    The Sonnet Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer (DGLD)

    Romantic, hopeful, and composed. You are the Sonnet. Get it? Composed?

    Sonnets want Love and have high ideals about it. They’re conscientious people, caring & careful. You yourself have deep convictions, and you devote a lot of thought to romance and what it should be. This will frighten away most potential mates, but that’s okay, because you’re very choosy with your affections anyway. You’d absolutely refuse to date someone dumber than you, for instance.

    Lovers who share your idealized perspective, or who are at least willing to totally throw themselves into a relationship, will be very, very happy with you. And you with them. You’re already selfless and compassionate, and with the right partner, there’s no doubt you can be sensual, even adventurously so.

    You probably have lots of female friends, and they have a special soft spot for you. Babies do, too, at the tippy-top of their baby skulls.
    nice, I need to find the sonnet, .
    (D)IEE~FI-(C)SLE~Ni E-5w4(Sp/Sx)/7w8(So/Sp)/9w1(sp/sx)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    A girl who I want to date, asks me: well first tell me how tall you are?
    My reply: well I will answer that, if you first tell me how much you weigh!

    A girl I was dating said she was oh so great at sex etc, but she didn't do blowjobs.
    My reply: Oh I'm really romantic etc, I just will never take you out to dinner.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    This is new.

    The Sudden Departure
    Random Brutal Love Master (RBLM)

    Sweet. Dear. Loving. At Gate 18. Final call. You are The Sudden Departure.

    You’ve been in a lot of serious relationships. More than a few have ended ugly. Uglily. Whatever. Our guess is that you’re a really fantastic girl who doesn’t really know what she wants, and you’ve broken a few hearts as a result. You fall for people easily, and you enjoy the feeling of falling in love, but once you’re there, either boredom or the old “grass is greener” syndrome sets in. The mind wanders, and with it goes the flesh. And then the toiletries.

    We know you’re not the classic “love ’em and leave ’em” type, at least not in a purely sexual sense. You have too many serious bonding tendencies for that. But even though you’re theoretically looking to settle down, you don’t settle long on one person. “Serial monogamist” is probably something you hear a lot. “Emotionally loose” is another way to put it. To the poor guys eating your dust and sniffing your panties, it doesn’t really make much difference. Of course, it’s not really your fault that people get hurt. You have every right to move on when you choose.

    Consider: The Vapor Trail (RBLM), someone just like you
    Always Avoid: The Backrubber (DGSD) The Gentleman (DGLM)
    This test matches mostly Identical result. IMO, I think it makes sense becuase yea it's not like Socionics, and this test testes your tendency of how you go about in relationship. most of relationship ends becuase people are not on the same mindset. If I were to date someone like the Sudden departure, our feelings which fluctuate (I think I would probably be like the sudden departure if I am a female) would be on the same level. Socionics matches us based on how we view information, this test matches how our mindset is in in relationship.
    (D)IEE~FI-(C)SLE~Ni E-5w4(Sp/Sx)/7w8(So/Sp)/9w1(sp/sx)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    A girl who I want to date, asks me: well first tell me how tall you are?
    My reply: well I will answer that, if you first tell me how much you weigh!

    A girl I was dating said she was oh so great at sex etc, but she didn't do blowjobs.
    My reply: Oh I'm really romantic etc, I just will never take you out to dinner.

  16. #96
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    I've gotten 3 different results on the test various times I've taken it. The Peach, the Maid of Honor, and the Sudden Departure. I'm undoubtedly a love master, but the deliberate vs. random and brutal vs. gentle seem to change depending on my current mindset and recent experiences. The Peach sounds a bit too... happy... (though I am like that when I'm in a good mood), and the Maid of Honor is more responsible and discerning than I've been with my relationship decisions throughout my life.

    So yes, even though it sounds horrible, the Sudden Departure fits my relationship history well. I wish I were more like the Maid of Honor. The problem with that though is that the Maid of Honor always knows what she wants.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  17. #97
    constant change electric sheep's Avatar
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    The Backrubber fits my relationship history, but I guess I'm experienced enough to be a master now. My last girlfriend was very experienced in bed, and she was a good instructor. The Bachelor describes my current situation because I'm seeing a spike in the number of girls that are interested in me. These are good times
    The saddest ESFj


  18. #98
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    The Peach Random Gentle Love Master (RGLM)
    The Peach

    Playful, kind, and well-loved, you are The Peach.

    For such a warm-hearted, generous person, you’re surprisingly experienced in both love and sex. We credit your spontaneous side; you tend to live in the moment, and you don’t get bogged down by inhibitions like most women your age. If you see something wonderful, you confidently embrace it.

    You are a fun flirt and an instant sweetheart, but our guess is you’re becoming more selective about long-term love. It’s getting tougher for you to become permanently attached; and a guy who’s in a different place emotionally might misunderstand your early enthusiasm. You can wreck someone simply by enjoying him.

    Your ideal mate is adventurous and giving, like you. But not overly intense.

  19. #99
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    The Boy Next Door
    Random Gentle Love Dreamer(RGLD)

    Kind, yearning, playful, you are The Boy Next Door. You’re looking for real Love, a lot like girls do. It might not be manly, but it’s sweet.
    We think the next three years will be very exciting and fruitful ones for you. Your spontaneous, creative side makes you a charming date, and we think you have a horny side just waiting to shine. Or glisten, rather. You enter new relationships unusually hopeful, and the first moments are especially glorious. If you’ve had some things not work out before, so what.
    On paper, most girls would name the Boy Next Door as their ideal mate. In the real world, however, you’re often passed over for more dangerous or masculine men. You’re the typical “nice guy:” without just a touch of cockiness, you’re doomed with girls. A shoulder to cry on? Okay, sure. But never a penis to hold.
    More than any other type, Boys Next Door evolve as they get older. As we said, many find true love, but some fail miserably in the search. These tarnished few grow up to be The Men Next Door, who are creepy as hell, offering back rubs to kids and what not.
    Join my Enneagram Discord:

  20. #100
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    I ran across this test quite a long time ago. I have a feeling I know how it was made. Hypothetically speaking...:
    Extroverted/Introverted - Master/Dreamer
    Sex/Love - Sensing/Intuition
    Gentle/Brutal - Feeling/Thinking
    Deliberate/Random - Judging/Perceiving

    I know this looks like a long shot at first due to all the stereotypes, but read the descriptions and watch the magic.

  21. #101
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    Whenever I go to that site I see this test. Someone would have to be pretty focused on sex all the time to actually conform loosely to their personas. I estimate that it was made by a beta NF... probably female. The descriptions are fairly insulting to the males and complimentary towards the women too, regardless of their shortcomings... I guess they have to appeal to a teenaged girly girl audience on that site.

    They also dropped the 'you need to be more of an asshole to get pussy' line, something I've associated with beta relationship advice.

    But yeah if you haven't guessed already I got that fucking boy next door shit.

  22. #102
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptic View Post

    But yeah if you haven't guessed already I got that fucking boy next door shit.
    Tis the sign of he who has devoured ambrosia.
    Join my Enneagram Discord:

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by glamourama View Post
    The Sonnet
    Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer (DGLD)

    Romantic, hopeful, and composed. You are the Sonnet. Get it? Composed?

    Sonnets want Love and have high ideals about it. They’re conscientious people, caring & careful. You yourself have deep convictions, and you devote a lot of thought to romance and what it should be. This will frighten away most potential mates, but that’s okay, because you’re very choosy with your affections anyway. You’d absolutely refuse to date someone dumber than you, for instance.

    Lovers who share your idealized perspective, or who are at least willing to totally throw themselves into a relationship, will be very, very happy with you. And you with them. You’re already selfless and compassionate, and with the right partner, there’s no doubt you can be sensual, even adventurously so.

    You probably have lots of female friends, and they have a special soft spot for you. Babies do, too, at the tippy-top of their baby skulls.

    The Loverboy (RGLM)

    Always Avoid:
    The 5-Night Stand (DBSM)
    The False Messiah (DBLM)
    The Hornivore (RBSM)
    The Last Man on Earth (RBSD)

    Your exact female opposite:
    Genghis Khunt

    Random Brutal Sex Master
    This is me.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  24. #104
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    The Sonnet Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer (DGLD)
    The Sonnet

    Romantic, hopeful, and composed. You are the Sonnet. Get it? Composed?

    Sonnets want Love and have high ideals about it. They’re conscientious people, caring & careful. You yourself have deep convictions, and you devote a lot of thought to romance and what it should be. This will frighten away most potential mates, but that’s okay, because you’re very choosy with your affections anyway. You’d absolutely refuse to date someone dumber than you, for instance.

    Lovers who share your idealized perspective, or who are at least willing to totally throw themselves into a relationship, will be very, very happy with you. And you with them. You’re already selfless and compassionate, and with the right partner, there’s no doubt you can be sensual, even adventurously so.

    You probably have lots of female friends, and they have a special soft spot for you. Babies do, too, at the tippy-top of their baby skulls.

    The Loverboy (RGLM)
    Always Avoid:
    The 5-Night Stand (DBSM) The False Messiah (DBLM) The Hornivore (RBSM) The Last Man on Earth (RBSD)

    But who would ever go for a Hornivore???
    This Frog runs on Sugar!

  25. #105
    Bananas are good. Aleksei's Avatar
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    The Backrubber
    Deliberate Gentle Sex Dreamer (DGSD)

    Lusty but indirect. Kind, but also using friendship as a means to sex. Oh, that feels gooood. You are The Backrubber.
    We call you “The Backrubber” because you straddle that fine line between coming on to someone and just treating her nicely. Backrubs are just one example; you’d meet for coffee, or talk about books/movies, or even argue a little bit, all the while mostly preferring to screw.
    Your indirect approach is not some evil trickery, but rather a result of your open mind. You’d enjoy either love or sex, but the latter definitely doesn’t require the former. While you are responsible and ambitious, you absolutely DON’T have uptight views on relationships. So ultimately, you just enjoy a woman, and let things take their course. If she wants you, great. If not, that’s fine too.
    Though you’re not thinking too much about Love at this point in your life, odds are, when the time comes, you’ll be very happy settling down. Your ideal mate is gentle and horny, just like you.
    What do these signs mean—, , etc.? Why cannot socionists use symbols Ne, Ni etc. as in MBTI? Just because they have somewhat different meaning. Socionics and MBTI, each in its own way, have slightly modified the original Jung's description of his 8 psychological types. For this reason, (Ne) is not exactly the same as Ne in MBTI.

    Just one example: in MBTI, Se (extraverted sensing) is associated with life pleasures, excitement etc. By contrast, the socionic function (extraverted sensing) is first and foremost associated with control and expansion of personal space (which sometimes can manifest in excessive aagression, but often also manifests in a capability of managing lots of people and things).

    For this reason, we consider comparison between MBTI types and socionic types by functions to be rather useless than useful.

    -Victor Gulenko, Dmitri Lytov

  26. #106
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    I don't remember if I took this before so I'll do it again.

    The Slow Dancer
    Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer (DGLD)

    Steady, reliable, and cradling him tenderly. Take a deep breath, and let it out real are The Slow Dancer
    Your focus is love, not sex, and for your age, you have average experience. But you’re a great, thoughtful guy, and your love life improves every year. There’s also a powerful elimination process working in your favor: most Playboy types get stuck raising unwanted kids before you even begin settling down. The men left over will be hot and yours. Your ideal man is someone intimate, intelligent, and very supportive.
    While you’re not exactly the life of the party, you do thrive in small groups of smart people. Your circle of friends is extra tight and it’s HIGHLY likely they’re just like you. You appreciate symmetry in relationships.

    Sounds pretty delta to me lol

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    Steady, reliable, and cradling him tenderly. Take a deep breath, and let it out real are The Slow Dancer
    Your focus is love, not sex, and for your age, you have average experience. But you’re a great, thoughtful guy, and your love life improves every year. There’s also a powerful elimination process working in your favor: most Playboy types get stuck raising unwanted kids before you even begin settling down. The men left over will be hot and yours. Your ideal man is someone intimate, intelligent, and very supportive.
    While you’re not exactly the life of the party, you do thrive in small groups of smart people. Your circle of friends is extra tight and it’s HIGHLY likely they’re just like you. You appreciate symmetry in relationships.

    Sounds pretty delta to me lol
    You didn't change those words yourself, now did you?
    Last edited by Park; 09-02-2010 at 04:53 AM.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  28. #108
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    Here's a picture you can use:

    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  29. #109
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    The Sonnet Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer (DGLD)
    The Sonnet

    Romantic, hopeful, and composed. You are the Sonnet. Get it? Composed?

    Sonnets want Love and have high ideals about it. They’re conscientious people, caring & careful. You yourself have deep convictions, and you devote a lot of thought to romance and what it should be. This will frighten away most potential mates, but that’s okay, because you’re very choosy with your affections anyway. You’d absolutely refuse to date someone dumber than you, for instance.

    Lovers who share your idealized perspective, or who are at least willing to totally throw themselves into a relationship, will be very, very happy with you. And you with them. You’re already selfless and compassionate, and with the right partner, there’s no doubt you can be sensual, even adventurously so.

    You probably have lots of female friends, and they have a special soft spot for you. Babies do, too, at the tippy-top of their baby skulls.

    The Loverboy (RGLM)
    Always Avoid:
    The 5-Night Stand (DBSM) The False Messiah (DBLM) The Hornivore (RBSM) The Last Man on Earth (RBSD)

  30. #110
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    This test is kinda stupid because, I got a bad score just because I'm honest about wanting sex right away in the relationship. I guess that means I have no soul? It's weird and cliched.

  31. #111
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    The Sonnet
    Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer (DGLD)

    Romantic, hopeful, and composed. You are the Sonnet. Get it? Composed?
    Sonnets want Love and have high ideals about it. They’re conscientious people, caring & careful. You yourself have deep convictions, and you devote a lot of thought to romance and what it should be. This will frighten away most potential mates, but that’s okay, because you’re very choosy with your affections anyway. You’d absolutely refuse to date someone dumber than you, for instance.
    Lovers who share your idealized perspective, or who are at least willing to totally throw themselves into a relationship, will be very, very happy with you. And you with them. You’re already selfless and compassionate, and with the right partner, there’s no doubt you can be sensual, even adventurously so.
    You probably have lots of female friends, and they have a special soft spot for you. Babies do, too, at the tippy-top of their baby skulls.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  32. #112
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    People believe in you, and then you send them to hell. Behold, the False Messiah.

    You’re usually a very kind person, and conscientious, too. Socially, you’re a leader, and your friends and associates look up to you. You're probably tall. In intimate relationships, you’re a capable, responsive, and experienced lover. Outside the box, however, you run into trouble.

    Girls fall hard for you, but you’re much more ambivalent about them. The beginnings of your relationships are unusually intense, making it all the rougher on her when they end. At first, using all your accumulated tricks of the trade, you ladle on the affection. But once she’s all covered in soup, you withhold the true napkins of commitment. What’s that all about? We should’ve called you the False Waiter.

    You’re looking for Love. But history tells us you struggle to settle down and accept it. There’s a deep streak of carnality within you. And while you’ll never be a predator, you’ll always fight the urge to roam free. You like to plan things out, so plan this: find someone who can indulge your selfish side, has a healthy sexual appetite, and doesn’t mind uncertainty.

  33. #113
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    did you make that up?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  34. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    did you make that up?
    No, it's an actual result.

  35. #115
    take a second of me sarinana's Avatar
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    The Window Shopper

    Random Gentle Love Dreamer (RGLD)

    Loving, hopeful, open. Likely to carry on an romance from afar. You are The Window Shopper.

    You take love as opportunities come, which can lead to a high-anxiety, but high-flying romantic life. You’re a genuinely sweet person, not saccharine at all, so it’s likely that the relationships you have had and will have will be happy ones. You’ve had a fair amount of love experience for your age, and there’ll be much more to come.

    Part of why we know this is that, of all female types, you are the most prone to sudden, ferocious crushes. Your results indicate that you’re especially capable of obsessing over a guy you just met. Obviously, passion like this makes for an intense existence. It can also make for soul-destroying letdowns.

    Your ideal match is someone who’ll love you back with equal fire, and someone you’ve grown to love slowly. A self-involved or pessimistic man is especially bad. Though you’re drawn to them, avoid artists at all costs.


    The Gentleman (DGLM)
    The Loverboy (RGLM)
    Sincerely Yours,

    Beyond the clouds. Beyond the sun.

    The Rebel without a cause.

  36. #116
    Deadpan Snarker Kyon's Avatar
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    Definitely accurate in how I conduct myself. And yeah, I've dated The Battleaxe. Not a smart idea, but deep down I think a huge part of me enjoys being essentially a masochist.

    The Slow Dancer
    Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer (DGLD)

    Steady, reliable, and cradling her tenderly. Take a deep breath, and let it out real are The Slow Dancer

    Your focus is love, not sex, and for your age, you have average experience. But you’re a great, thoughtful guy, and your love life improves every year. There’s also a powerful elimination process working in your favor: most Playboy types get stuck raising unwanted kids before you even begin settling down. The women left over will be hot and yours. Your ideal woman is someone intimate, intelligent, and very supportive.

    While you’re not exactly the life of the party, you do thrive in small groups of smart people. Your circle of friends is extra tight and it’s HIGHLY likely they’re just like you. You appreciate symmetry in relationships.


    The Maid of Honor (DGLM)
    The Sonnet (DGLD)

    Always Avoid:

    The Battleaxe (DBLM)

  37. #117
    Haikus Sirena's Avatar
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    Your results are in! You are...

    The Window Shopper Random Gentle Love Dreamer (RGLD)

    Loving, hopeful, open. Likely to carry on an romance from afar. You are The Window Shopper.
    You take love as opportunities come, which can lead to a high-anxiety, but high-flying romantic life. You’re a genuinely sweet person, not saccharine at all, so it’s likely that the relationships you have had and will have will be happy ones. You’ve had a fair amount of love experience for your age, and there’ll be much more to come.
    Part of why we know this is that, of all female types, you are the most prone to sudden, ferocious crushes. Your results indicate that you’re especially capable of obsessing over a guy you just met. Obviously, passion like this makes for an intense existence. It can also make for soul-destroying letdowns.
    Your ideal match is someone who’ll love you back with equal fire, and someone you’ve grown to love slowly. A self-involved or pessimistic man is especially bad. Though you’re drawn to them, avoid artists at all costs

  38. #118
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    How'd I get this result? I guess it's pretty good except for a few details.

    The Sudden Departure Random Brutal Love Master (RBLM)

    Sweet. Dear. Loving. At Gate 18. Final call. You are The Sudden Departure.
    You’ve been in a lot of serious relationships. More than a few have ended ugly. Uglily. Whatever. Our guess is that you’re a really fantastic girl who doesn’t really know what she wants, and you’ve broken a few hearts as a result. You fall for people easily, and you enjoy the feeling of falling in love, but once you’re there, either boredom or the old “grass is greener” syndrome sets in. The mind wanders, and with it goes the flesh. And then the toiletries.
    We know you’re not the classic “love ’em and leave ’em” type, at least not in a purely sexual sense. You have too many serious bonding tendencies for that. But even though you’re theoretically looking to settle down, you don’t settle long on one person. “Serial monogamist” is probably something you hear a lot. “Emotionally loose” is another way to put it. To the poor guys eating your dust and sniffing your panties, it doesn’t really make much difference. Of course, it’s not really your fault that people get hurt. You have every right to move on when you choose.


    The Vapor Trail (RBLM), someone just like you
    Always Avoid:

    The Backrubber (DGSD)
    The Gentleman (DGLM)

  39. #119
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    lol i guess you accidently told it you are female?

    the male RBLM is the Vapor Trail.

  40. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crispy View Post
    I ran across this test quite a long time ago. I have a feeling I know how it was made. Hypothetically speaking...:
    Extroverted/Introverted - Master/Dreamer
    Sex/Love - Sensing/Intuition
    Gentle/Brutal - Feeling/Thinking
    Deliberate/Random - Judging/Perceiving

    I know this looks like a long shot at first due to all the stereotypes, but read the descriptions and watch the magic.
    I see a few people matching with my hypothesis ; but after looking at the whole thread, not most.

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